Noklikšķiniet uz kategorijas un izvēlēties angļu valodas frāze
Pirmdiena | Monday Mon-day | |
Rudens | Autumn Au-tum | |
Ziema | Winter win-ter | |
Pavasaris | Spring sp-ring | |
Vasara | Summer sum-mer | |
Otrdiena | Tuesday tu-es-day | |
Trešdiena | Wednesday Wens-day | |
Ceturtdiena | Thursday Thurs-day | |
Piektdiena | Friday Fri-day | |
Sestdiena | Saturday Sa-tur-day | |
Svētdiena | Sunday Sun-day | |
Sestdiena | Saturday Sa-tur-day | |
Alfabēts | Alphabet al-fa-bet | |
Viens | One w-u-n | |
Divi | Two too | |
Trīs | Three th-r-ee | |
Four (4) | Four (4) f-or | |
Četri | Four f-or 4 | |
Pieci | Five fi-ve 5 | |
Seši | Six s-ix 6 | |
Septiņi | Seven se-ven 7 | |
Astoņi | Eight a-te 8 | |
Deviņi | Nine ni-ne | |
Desmit | Ten t-e-n 10 | |
Saka alfabēta | Say the alphabet Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz | |
Janvāris | January jan-u-a-ry | |
Februāris | February feb-ru-ary | |
Gājiens | March m-ar-ch |
Tēja | Tea Te-a | |
Cālis | Chicken Chic-ken | |
Olas | Eggs Eggs | |
Alus | Beer be-er | |
Ūdens | Water wa-ter |
Palīdzība | Help Hel-p | |
Es esmu slims | I am ill | |
Lūdzu jūs varat man palīdzēt? | Please can you help me? Pl-ea-se can you hel-p me? |
Laipni lūdzam | Welcome wel-cum | |
Sveiki, Kā jums klājas? | Hello, how are you? Hel-lo how R U | |
Sveicināti | Hello Hel-lo | |
Good Bye | Good Bye Good By-e | |
Laipni lūdzam uz Londonu | Welcome to London wel-cum to Lon-don | |
Labrīt | Good Morning Good Mor-ning | |
Labrīt, Kā jums šodien? | Good morning, how are you today? Good mor-ning, how R U to-day? | |
Ar labu nakti un gulēt labi! | Good night and sleep well! Good nyt and sleep well | |
Fine, thanks. | Fine, thanks. Fine, thanks. | |
Kāds ir Jūsu vārds? | What is your name? Wot is your name? | |
Mans vārds ir Richard | My name is Richard My name is Ri-char-d | |
Cik tev gadu? | How old are you? How old R U? | |
Es esmu 29 gadus vecs | I am twenty nine years old I am twen-ty nine years old | |
Jā | Yes | |
Nē | No | |
Jā, lūdzu, | Yes, please Yes, pl-e-as-e | |
Nē, thankyou | No, thankyou No th-an-k y-ou | |
Lūdzu | Please Pl-ea-se | |
Kā jums klājas? | How are you? How R U | |
Ļoti labi, paldies. | Very well, thanks. Ve-ry w-el-l th-an-k-s | |
Apžēlot | Pardon par-don | |
Atvainojiet | Sorry sor-ry | |
Kur ir tualetes? | Where are the toilets? | |
Jūs varat runāt lēnāk? | Can you speak more slowly? Can you speak more slow-ly | |
Labi | Good | |
Slikti | Bad | |
Atvainojiet, kur ir automašīnu stāvvieta? | Excuse me, Where is the car park? Ex-sc-u-se me, wh-air is th-e car par-k | |
Māte | Mother ma ther | |
Māte | Mother Ma-ther | |
Tēvs | Father fa-ther | |
Brālis | Brother bro-ther | |
Māsa | Sister sis-ter | |
Vai esat pārliecināts? | Are you sure? r u sure (shor) | |
tā mana vaina | its my fault its my f-aul-t | |
i'' ll let you know | i'll let you know i-LL let u noo | |
Es jums zināt | I will let you know i will let u noo | |
Baudiet cookies | Help yourself to the cookies hel-p your sel-f 2 the coo-kies | |
Jums izskatīties apdullināšanu | You look stunning u look stun-ning | |
Skaists | Beautiful bee-u-tif-ful |
Ķirbis | Pumpkin Pump-kin | |
Cik tas maksā? | How much is it? | |
Ābols | Apple a-ple | |
Oranžs | Orange o-ran-ge | |
Banāns | Banana ba-na-na | |
Aprikoze | Apricot a-pri-cot | |
Persiks | Peach pea-ch | |
Bumbieris | Pear p-ear | |
Kivi | Kiwi ki-wi | |
Mango | Mango man-go |
Pulkstenis | Clock Cl-o-ck | |
Otrais | Second se-con-d | |
Minūte | Minute min-nit | |
Stunda | Hour a-o-wa | |
2. | A second a se-con-d | |
Minūtē | A minute a min-nit | |
Stunda | An hour an a-oo-wa | |
Pusstunda | Half an hour har-f an a-oo-wa |