Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher where answers some of your most common French questions the question for this lesson is how can you tell if a noun is masculine or feminine in French every known as a gender that goes for plural nouns - like apples and oranges other Romance languages of masculine and feminine nouns - it's a trait that comes from Latin and the gender depends on the origin of the older Latin word English doesn't have masculine or feminine nouns so the easiest way to tell the gender of a french noun it's by looking at the last letter of the noun the general rule is that if a noun ends with an e it's feminine for example Lillet meaning the letter la vest meaning the jacket and left has meaning the strawberry nouns that end with any other letter are generally masculine like Lucas on the Crescent lamech which means the guy olá visual meaning - Jo the only thing is there are lots of exceptions for example love homage meaning cheese is masculine even throw its ends with an E another example is Vlad meaning voice this word is feminine even fro it doesn't end with an e so it's Lavoie because there are so many exceptions to the general pattern it's best to learn nouns and the articles together that's Lou o for masculine nouns and La Nina for feminine nouns Louella I like the article in English even are similar to although earth for feminine nouns and any other letters for mass nouns are the most common ways to determine the gender of a noun in French a few other later patterns sometimes apply some masculine endings are as like loof homage or cheese more like loo DoCoMo or document oh like an wazoo or bird and wha like lumia wah all the Muir if you see there's letter patterns when you study in French it's safe to assume those nouns are masculine some feminine patterns are Co ocean-like la nación meaning the nation they like laliberté or Liberty and earth like lash altars or the singer just like with the masculine little patterns I just mentioned you can assume that words ending with this letter patterns are feminine it's important to remember what gender a noun is because sometimes it influences other parts of the sentence in French for example adjectives change their spelling according to the gender of the noun they modify it looks a bit like this the blue notebook which is masculine is locally blue the blue chair which is feminine is lashes blue with an extra e and that's it I hope that answers your question if you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them Adamo see you soon you you