Tutorial Transcript
sin is Anabelle indeed hi everybody I'm Ingrid welcome to French part 101.com blues concert on community the fastest easiest and most fun way to learn French in the last lesson we learnt the most common forms of greetings in French do you remember them in this lesson we are going to learn a very useful phrase do you speak English if you find yourself in a situation where you need assistance in English this phrase can be a lifesaver and because you're asking it in French you can be sure that everyone will understand what you are saying even if their answer is no here's the informal way to say it sketchy para la la Etsuko tu parle Anglais in French verbs change depending on the pronoun that is used please notice the world - in the middle of the sentence remember that this is the informal way to say you the next word is the verb Valley which means to speak because it's referring to - it's conjugated to to town ESCO is an interrogative form to introduce the question it is similar to the English word do here and you probably recognize Anglais that is English a sketchy part long way to learn how to properly conjugate verbs like parley please look at the absolute beginning series on French part 101.com you can find very detailed grammar lessons and resources there we are now going to make this sentence formal first we need to use a formal version of you which is vu if we change the word to rule we will conjugate palette differently it becomes this but it's pronounced the same way partially Esquivel parle Anglais asuka vous parlez Anglais adding excuse moi excuse me the sentence becomes even more polite excuse moi Esquivel parle Anglais excuse moi asuka vous parlez Anglais the responses you will receive could be one of these three with yes we amp a little um so no renoble bungler no I don't speak English no Jean no Palpa only seen this last one is a negative statement we need to say no before the verb pal and pas after it notice that the verb pal is slightly different from parley remember the verb change depending on the pronoun used we are now talking about sure French for I thus I don't speak is Joon Appa Appa now it's time for Ingrid insights for those of you who are not only English speakers you can obviously use this question with any other language you need French people study other European languages at school so maybe you will get lucky just substitute Anglais with English Italian for Italian who's for Russian espanol for Spanish almo for German and any other languages in this lesson we mentioned the expression excusez-moi but did you know that this could also be used as an apology in the next lesson we will learn this and other ways to apologize in French it's never too late to show your good manners with French people I'll see you in our next circle set on coming I don't you