Tutorial Transcript
Welcome back watchers and this time, we are going to talk about French holidays and this holiday is Labor Day. What’s Labor Day? First word is “Fête du Travail”. Labor Day. So Fête du Travail is on May 1st. On this occasion, people don’t work which is usual in France, to not work but this day, they work even less and you buy a “muguet” which is this flower. You decorate your house with “muguet” which is “maylily” (lily of the valley) It smells really nice. Next one, “classe ouvrière” working class. It’s your average French person working in an average company and going to work in the morning, getting his salary and going back home in the night. A famous expression you hear with this is “Métro-Boulot-Dodo” which is “metro, work and sleep” because that’s all they do. Next one, “salarié(e)” employee. Employees are... employed by a company, they are not freelance unless they employ themselves. So on these days, employees of the working class don’t work. “Salarié(e)” literally means guys who get the salary. Next “manifestation”, demonstration. “manifestation” is when it’s a strike and when people will be like we are not happy about stuff because that’s what French people do best but usually they are doing it on a working day so they get more holidays you know like just a day before or just a day after or both so they have a 3-day weekend and be like ah, we are not happy, give us more holidays. Did you know that France is the country with the most holidays in the world? Next one, “grève”, strike. “Manifestation” is kind of a strike. When you are doing a “manifestation” you are “en grève”. French strikes are pretty famous like the train strike and the metro strike and the plane strike. Next one, it’s the end. So enjoy Labor Day, be lazy, smell some nice flower, don’t eat them or else you will die, there are poisonous ones, and leave me a comment about what would you do on Labor Day? See you next time for more French holidays, bye. I like my job here.