Tutorial Transcript
Ok is it on? Ok, great! Hello, my name is Lolita. I am 26 years old. Aah...What do I do in life? Well, I am... I am an artist. I paint, I paint on walls, on canvas... I paint a little bit everywhere... And then also I give of yoga lessons and then music lessons... I play tambourine and triangle. As for my flaws... I have a little short memory or a memory little short... Well, I have... I don’t have a good memory and then my qualities? So, I am an artist...and then also, I am an artist... And... what sort of man am I looking for? So then, my man... my man, he is blond... He is blond He is rather small... he has... he has blue eyes, no, no, he has brown eyes and also... he has little freckles... And then, my ideal man wears a red shirt and then most of all... ...he doesn’t talk! Where are you going? Where are you going?