Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody melissa here welcome pasta teacher will answer some of your most common spanish questions the question for this lesson is why do you say el agua if our ends with an A shouldn't it be feminine you may have already learned that with most Spanish nouns words that end in a are usually filling and words that end in an or all are usually masculine however the word agua water ends in a but we use the article L to make a loud one the water so why do we do this the reason is simpler than you think every time a feminine word starts with the letter A without strong accent the preceding article is masculine so feminine words beginning with a strong a like agua Avila area Adso and alma will use the article and let's do some examples so you can learn how to use these notes on the articles correctly first up a lagina BG lillah wa meaning the eco guards the water we change the definite article the same way we change the indefinite article una to own liking tengo nutzy tengo una Adso meaning I have an ax both are correct but is preferred as the word Adso has a strong ah sound however when we use demonstrative such as este AC and again meaning this dad and dad or the term minor objectives such as total mood so Paco and otro meaning everything a lot of a bit off and order respectively the route is no longer used and these words use their feminine forms take the example they stop novalee meaning I will drink this water we use the word Estee this which is changed to a stop too much the real gender of the nun and remember that because these words are truly feminine everything is that complements the word uses the feminine form for example Allah WA Fria min Kanta I love cold water so even though we change the article we keep the objective free meaning cold feminine to match the true gender of the NAM house this lesson pretty interesting right they have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I'll try to answer them as a level see you soon you you