Tutorial Transcript
Jo tell me what'd you do yesterday? Girl what did I do yesterday? I went running, I went to the gym I went shopping, I clipped my toenails, I made a smoothie I ate some cereal , I went to the gym again, I lay down I took a nap Then I woke up, I read crush magazine And then I freakin waxed my mustache and then i went on instagram the I tagged myself in some pictures then I stalked my own instagram Then I stalked YOUR instagram, then I stalked everybodys' instagram I drank some coffee, I made some more coffee, then i made a sandwich And then I made a sandwich and then I got a sandwich at the bodega And then I got into an argument at the bodega, with the sandwich guy And then, and then, I ended my day And that's it Here is the passé composé -- So maybe you're studying french and you've reached the Passé Composé, which probably stresses you out But this is like, the passé composé you're gonna use that baby all the time You need it for everything, if you're describing something that happened in the past, you're gonna need the past But what is it? The Passé Composé it's a past tense how I always think of it, it's a staccato action, something that you did like that example that we just had [Rewind Jo's day] Yeah you wanna know what's the Passé Composé That's the Passé Composé in English Ok, but we need to tell you how to do it in French And why do you need to use it in French Ok, first off, if you wanna speak a language fluently You gotta learn the past tense. And the first step to the French past tenses Is the Passé Composé This is like the basic step that sounds a little complicated but we're gonna break it down The Passé Composé is the -ED ending So, I opened, I closed, I learned, I managed That's the Passé Composé It's an action that was completed like you're not gonna do it again It already happened And you're done with it so it's in the past And it's like a 1 time thing and it didn't continue over in the course of your time EXACTLY! Kinda like those things you did yesterday Do I need to say it again? Yes, I said it GEt it? Like I said it Like the Passé Composé, you got it. It's like you can't prevent not using the Passé Composé You just used it OK, but how do you form the Passé Composé, Damon and Jo? The most important thing you need to know Is how do you form this Damon? Can't dance OK, the Passé Composé means the composed past Basically you have 2 parts, you have AVOIR plus the Participe Passé What's the Participe Passé? It's the past participle, DUH! What's the past participle? We're gon' get there But for now, JO! AVOIR What do we have here, Ladies and Gentlemen? We get AVOIR which means to have And you conjugate it in the present tense As the first part of your Passé Composé formation WHY? Because these auxiliary Think of like auxiliary cord. You know you wanna play some music. You need to plug your phone into the cord To the music to come out You need to plug this conjugation into your Passé Composé formation to the Passé Composé to happen, DAMON? HA, thanks JO OK, so now we have AVOIR we need to do the Participe Passé What are the Participe Passé? In English it would be like, I have SUNG SUNG is the Participe Passé I have SPOKEN. SPOKEN is the Participe Passé How you do it in French? It's pretty easy -ER verbs take off ER add É -IR verbs take off IR add an I -RE verbs take off RE add an U In another way you need to drop that ER, drop that IR, drop that RE Ok, Jo any ER verb I'mma go with MANGER So what do we do? We take off the ER we look at our fancy shanty chart And we add an É and voilà You have the Participe Passé you have your AVOIR you have your Participe Passé And now you can finally say what you've been wanting to say You can say I have eaten You can say I did eat. You can say I ate How to do it? J'ai mangé! PANG Take a seat Ok, so now we gotta go on with the IR verbs. Give me an IR verb Choisir You know why I like Choisir? Because I'm all about that freedom of choice especially for my independent ladies out there. So let me show you how it's done so hold on Choisir in the Infinitive - CHOISIR What you do? You're gon' drop that IR And then you're gonna look in your key chart. Get the I. Because that's the ending of IR verbs So, CHOISI is your Participe Passé Vous avez choisi Because y'all chose to watch this video Don't hate it if you don't like it But we're trying to help you. So, it's gonna be Vous avez choisi, voila Y'all chose, y'all have chosen, y'all did chose Alright if it's RE verbs like: VENDRE That's why we're trying to make that money This is how you do it V-E-N-D-R-E You drop that RE Go to your fancy chart. You have "U" "U" becomes right here. So for example: JO She just sold her computer So: Elle a vendu son ordinateur Tu as vendu ton ordinateur Make that money DONE Alors, Jo qu'est-ce que tu as fait hier? FAIRE - irregular verb! BAh, j'ai fait plein de choses J'ai fini mes travails, j'ai parlé avec ma mère, j'ai mangé du chocolat, j'ai acheté un baison, j'ai fini mon travail J'ai chosi un film, j'ai regardé Netflix, j'ai stalké des gens sur Instargram, j'ai ouvert cette boîte de chocolat, et j'ai pris le metro, j'ai écrit un blog, j'ai publié une video, j'ai étudié lé langues, j'ai bu de l'eau, j'ai fait du sport EUYhhhh lalalala You're getting in it you can't do that because we haven't gotten there Also we need you to know Is that AVOIR is not the only auxiliary verb Oh, excuse me there are 17 more verbs that conjugate with être It gets a lil' crazy but anyway. If you liked this video if you learned something from this video Si vous avez appris quelque chose Si vous avez aimé, give us a LIKE And make sure to subscribe. ABONNEZ-VOUS And comment below what are you having the most difficulty with in verb conjugation for French Because we're gonna make more videos about it And that's about it, we'll see you in the next video Salut! Bye!