Tutorial Transcript
hi welcome to introduction to French my name is Alicia and I'm joined by hi everyone I'm Candace in this lesson you'll learn the basics of French grammar in some languages like French nouns are divided into different classes for example French divides nouns into two classes using gender masculine and feminine let's take a look at some masculine nouns li form our village leave now feminine nouns Kia booooo-whoo zoo celeb there are some rules for learning the gender of French nouns but they're quite complex many consider the designation of gender to be largely arbitrary so it's likely that you'll just have to memorize them okay so now you know that nouns are divided into gender classes but why is this important learning gender nouns is important for forming sentences in French for example li means bed in french and it's a masculine noun if you want to refer to the bed in a sentence however you need to add lu before the noun Lily in fact if you want to refer to any masculine noun in French you need to use Lou or Lou homage lu village a liver on the other hand we use la and in to refer to feminine nouns like fier laboux anova in Sealab now you know how to refer to nouns in French similar to nouns French verbs can also be separated into different classes there are three classes of verbs in French and they are verbs ending in e maji maji kavagi ma verbs ending in ear Feeny volunteer via G and verbs ending in hua and ear mu heave-ho savoir lea each class of verbs will be conjugated differently when used in a sentence let's take a look at a few examples to see how they differ to swim is neji in french and it comes from the first group because it ends in a I swim in the present tense would be Jenna's past tense would be June Asia and the future tense would be June naturally let's compare that to a verb in group 2 to finish is finis in French and it comes from the second group because it ends in ear Justine Justine say Justine yay finally a verb from group 3 to read is live in French and it comes from the third group because it ends with hood Shirley Shirley they we'll teach you how to properly conjugate verbs of different classes in future lessons for now just know that there are three different categories of verbs in French okay now you know about nouns and verbs in French let's learn how to form basic sentences in French forming sentences in French is quite simple especially for English speakers as French uses the same word order as English consider the following example lugia some more and get two in English this sentence means the boy eats a cake if we break down the French sentence we can see that the other matches the English sentence one-to-one Lu the gassim boy more it's ah a ghetto cake we can create basic sentence in French simply by exchanging English words for French words notice how we use ah here because ghetto is a masculine noun if the object had been a feminine noun we'd have used in instead we can create any basic sentence in French by starting with a subject in this case the boy Lu Gaussian then follow it with a verb eat motion and finally end with the object the cake on get 2 as you can see the word order in French is just like English finally let's learn how to create negative sentences in French negating sentences in French is simple simply add new before the verb and pas after it J juniper Zemlya genom palea Juliet more Juliet namaz OPA you can negate any basic sentence in French this way well done let's wrap up this lesson by recapping what we've learned in this lesson you learned that French nouns are divided into two classes masculine and feminine similar to nouns French verbs are divided into three groups French uses the same subject-verb-object word order like English and finally you learned how to negate sentences in French we've covered only the very basics of French grammar if you're interested in learning more check out our French in three minutes video series in that course we teach you useful phrases while covering the fundamentals of French grammar and each lesson is only three minutes long in the next lesson we'll introduce you to the basics of French writing see you in the next lesson bye bye you