Tutorial Transcript
hi everyone I'm Yesenia from Spanish Park 101.com in this video we'll be talking about how to ask for and give directions let's begin the first phrase is donde esta el where is the donde esta and where is the for example you can say donde esta el banco which means where is the bank remember that locations and places are also categorized by gender in this case banco is masculine so L is put before it but a feminine location will have LA for example la escuela necesito Eve ah I need to go to the necesito Eve ah this means I need to go to the for example you can say necesito y la estación de policía this means I need to go to the police station the first word necesito means I need even though it is being used to say that you need to go to a location it can also be used to say you need something como Diego ah how do I get to the Gomel ya go ah this means how do I get to thee for example you can say como Diego island will sail which means how do I get to the museum remember that it is very common to be given directions not with street names or numbers but by describing noticeable buildings or landmarks as a guide I own said Quebec e is there a blank near here I own said got they a key this means is there a blank near here for example you can say I'm una biblioteca cerca de aqui which means is there a library near here as we already said key in mind the gender biblioteca library is feminine so you have to say una biblioteca this school PES sub it on this da excuse me do you know where the blank is the school day sabe donde esta this means excuse me do you know where the blank is don't be afraid to ask for directions people will be glad to help you in Mexico for example you can ask this school pen serve it on this I'll Park it to say excuse me do you know where the park is it's da likkle sake is the far from here is that lejos de aqui this means is the far from here for example you can say esta la oficina postal a hazaki which means is a post-office far from here remember that Spanish questions start with an upside-down question mark took me a long time to remember that Munoz de vuelta Alice Sierra turn left de vuelta la izquierda this means turn left unless you are talking to someone you know very well give directions using the polite form for example they went Alice ta da en la segunda Quadra means turn left at the second block de vuelta a la derecha turn right they will da la derecha this means turn right when giving or receiving directions turn will always be the phrase that went that literally give turn here's a sentence the with the 11-inch a tentative save semaphore this means turn right at the third traffic light Vienna did show go straight via did a chalk go straight don't confuse the word for right that it taught with straight did it show pase go pass by say go pass conjugate the verb beside to pass to say go pass for example pass a like Glacia means go past the church unless kina there at the corner of an la esquina de at the corner of for example you can say is timeless kannada is Tov Anita which means it's at the corner of this Avenue street signs will abbreviate the words Avenida as Ave Ave they are or ave de enfrente de in front of in frente de in front of la estación de camión está enfrente del super mercado the bus station is in front of the supermarket the phrase there is of the is masculine it's shortened to then the does behind they trois behind for example you can say el estacionamiento está detrás of Xena which means the parking lot is behind the movie theater another very common word in Latin America to say behind is a dress I use that one all the time i leveled there next to lap though there next to for example you can say Ristorante esta I love oval pocket which means the restaurant is next to the park in Spanish the phrase rl2 the masculine is shortened to I for example I went to the park is free i pocket instead of free al Parque entry between and today between la tienda estar entre el café ella tiene de muscat us the stories between the coffee shop and the pet store here's an example of the word the being used in its masculine and feminine form in or la okay that's all for this lesson which phrase do you like the most believe is a comment letting us know and we'll see you next time hasta la próxima you