Tutorial Transcript
hi everyone I'm yesenia from Spanish pod 101.com in this video we'll be talking about ten gift ideas you must know in Mexican Spanish let's begin computadora portátil laptop computed aura portátil laptop same LZ dalek la vida me computadora portátil i forgot the password for my laptop it's a bit of a tongue twister so you have to practice that one belphemon perfume bed film a perfume a separ for me well a million in us Caro this perfume smells very good and it's not expensive libro book libro book esta libro s uno de los clásicos this book is one of the classics mappa Mundi world's map mappa Mundi world map la maestra tiene una mappa Mundi en la parte de la clase the teacher has a world map on the class wall camera camera camera camera la camara necesita un nuevo lente the camera needs a new lens that's pretty easy there kind of some similar to me between Spanish and English telefono intelligent a smartphone they live for no intelligent a smartphone el nuevo telefono intelligent a estará disponible a proto the new smartphone will be available soon console of a video Legos game console console ah the video Legos game console la nueva console add a video Fuegos is Mazda Shara kala Dante's the new game console is lighter than the previous one dig scenario dictionary Dixie Oh Nadia dictionary oh sandy scenario para buscar una palabra use a dictionary to look up a word I have to admit that I'm too that often old well Oh gratis a Mexico the flight to Mexico moon voila gratis ah Mexico a flight to Mexico Pez kanava unwell no gratis a Mexico you wanna free flights Mexico mucho dinero lots of money mucho dinero lots of money Easter Egg a la cuesta mucho dinero that gift costs a lot of money okay that's all for this lesson which idea do you like the most leave a comment and letting us know we'll see you next time hasta la próxima you