Tutorial Transcript
Salut YouTube welcome back to my channel or if you're new here my name is Rosie and I'm a New Zealander living in France and today I wanted to do a video on the 20 English words that I hear used incorrectly in the French language from time to time and despite the best efforts of L'Académie française who are the official body in charge of monitoring and regulating the French language worldwide those English words just keep on creeping on in there especially amongst the youth of today - whoa old lady much the youth of today and it's not surprising in this globalized world with the exposure to pop culture and the rise of modern technology that words like selfie are being used instead of ego-portrait or the word hashtag is being used instead of mot-dièse and sometimes even the frenchiest words of all are getting replaced by the English equivalents for example savoir faire is often replaced now as know-how or if you say it with a French accent I guess it's like "no-ow" but what about those times when it's English gone wrong? Pseudo anglicisms do exist in French these are kind of loan words from the English language which have developed and evolved over time to mean something different to their original meaning. I've heard my fair share of these bad boys over the past few years so today I thought it could be quite fun to go through those together some anglicisms and English words used in the French language, so you ready? On y go! The first Anglicism I wanted to touch on is le footing and so you can tell by the root of the word that has something to do with feet in French it means running or jogging and maybe you asked okay well what about the word jogging where did that go? Well sometimes French people do use the word jogging in its original sense as well but un jogging is also the word for tracksuit so this is my second Anglicism, un jogging for the word tracksuit. So you put on your jogging to go footing... French logic! The third English word that I had in mind that they use is La Box and La Box does not mean a box it means an internet modem and I think this kind of came into the modern language from a big Telco company over here where they started advertising their modem and telephone deals as La box téléphone so it was kind of part of a marketing campaign I think and now it's stuck the fourth word I wanted to call out is Le parking or un parking and this one's actually got a very similar meaning but what it means by a parking is actually a parking lot or a parking space in which you park your car or a parking building and when you've got a French person speaking English to you that often means that they say that they've left their car in the parking so it's just a bit funny you'll often find with these anglicisms they've kind of taken the root of an English word and just added ing to the end of it to make it their own Franglais version of the word No. 5 and this is an Anglicism that I love is when you have a facelift or some sort of extensive cosmetic surgery you have a lifting obviously in English if we said that someone had a lifting you would kind of imagine maybe like a helicopter coming to pick someone up in an emergency situation and lift them out of the situation that's the closest thing that I could think of to the word 'a lifting'. Number six is super cute and it is the French word for a pinball machine because I suppose you do have the little flippers that you use within the pinball machine when you're playing but yeah they call this un flipper or le flipper whereas we obviously call it a pinball machine Speaking of gaming the French word for table football or foosball as we call it is baby foot and I don't know about you guys but the imagery that comes to my mind when I hear baby foot is none other than the foot of a small baby Anglicism number eight is in regards to a makeover so whether you makeover your home or a person the French word for this, well the anglicised franglais word for this is un re-looking which makes quite logical sense taking the word look or the way something looks adding 're' to it a re-look and then adding the famous ing for a relooking Anglicism number nine is un smoking and this has nothing to do with cigarettes or smoking this is the word for a tuxedo Number 10 I really like the sound of this word is zapping in French zapping doesn't mean to Taser someone or to zap someone it means to channel surf Number 11 is a word that's spelt as if it were the word shampooing so Shampoo ing but it's pronounced like "champwan" or something to that effect and it means two things it means both the product so shampooing means shampoo and when you go to the hairdresser to get your hair washed you also ask for a shampooing but it's kind of funny that the word for shampoo is shampooing which is a verb Number 12 is the French word le dressing which doesn't exactly mean getting dressed it really refers to the actual walk in wardrobe or a space in which you get dressed so for us I guess that would be a dressing room Number 13 relates to sports in general because there are loads of anglicisms in sports as I'm sure you can imagine but I'm just gonna give you a little taster - un ring is actually a boxing ring, un golf is actually a golf course, un goal is actually a goalkeeper, you say des rollers for roller-skates and un surf for a surfboard Number 14 is quite similar in meaning, it is un building so referring to a building but it's not just any kind of building like for us we can describe building in a kind of meta sense and we could mean a house, a sky rise, etc. In French when you say un building you're really only referring to modern skyscrapers, big office blocks, this kind of modern construction so it's a very specific type of building but it's not every building Number 15 is kind of something I've noticed around the sense of activities where the activity itself becomes the noun Le camping or the camping is actually a camp site and le dancing or the dancing is actually a dance hall so the verb or actually doing the activity actually becomes the name for the site itself Number 16 is a modern addition to the French dictionary which is le fooding and Le fooding simply means beautiful cuisine or the art of cooking and eating well but of course in English we don't say the fooding for that like oh I'm going to go to university and study fooding Number 17 is definitely a little bit more subtle but French people use the word le planning to talk about timing, scheduling, programming so it's not just you know for us okay, le planning, what's the planning, what's the plan and they also kind of mean it more in a diary since like I need to look at my planning and see there's my agenda my schedule so that's another one as well that snuck on in there Number 18 is the word for blow-dry so when you use your blow dryer to blow dry your hair and the French word for blow-dry is like un brushing or a brushing so it's more like brushing your hair so it is similar but I don't know why they don't just call un blow-dry and not brushing because they're kind of different things in the English language Number 19 and again it's an Anglicism where you can see where it came from but the word for dry cleaners in France is un pressing and so obviously there's a link there because the word pressing in English has to do with the old way you used to iron things so you can imagine the housewives in the 50s saying I will press your shirts this evening with the iron but yeah that kind of confused me when I first arrived because I was told to take things to a pressing and I was like no I really need it dry-cleaned because it's sensitive material and they're like yes yes the pressing the pressing and I was like no no you can't iron this Number 20 is le shooting which when you're speaking in French actually means a photo shoot which kind of works in context I guess like you could say oh the model went to a shooting but the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear a shooting is just straight away like what where what happened how many people were involved?! Maybe it's just a reflection of the media these days but that's the first thing that jumps to my head when I hear the shooting That's it for this video guys it's the first 20 done I've got the next 20 coming next time please hit the subscribe button so that you get notified when that next video is out and just token disclaimer obviously I'm not making fun of French people using these words it's just as a native English speaker I picked up on them because I was like oh that's an English word, hey that doesn't mean what I think it means! Anyway guys let me know what you think down in the comments below have you heard any funny franglais expressions what are your anglicisms that you use in your own language if you're not a native English speaker and until then I'll see you guys in the next video, à bientôt !