Tutorial Transcript
Hello I am Rosa and this is Spanish weekly words holiday’s edition. I am about to see what the holiday for today is. So the holiday for today is St. Isidro. St. Isidro is the Patron Saint of Madrid and in Madrid, they celebrate this day with some traditional dances. I don’t know how they dance in Madrid and also it is the start of the bullfighting season. Las fiestas de San Isidro Labrador - "St. Isidro’s Day" [Las fiestas de San Isidro Labrador se celebran sólo en Madrid.] - “St. Isidro’s Day is only celebrated in Madrid.” [Ermita de San Isidro] - "hermitage of St. Isidro" This is a “hermitage dedicated to St. Isidro”. It is said that its waters are magical or like make some kind of miracle, I don’t know. [Las aguas de la Ermita de San Isidro son mágicas.] “The waters from the hermitage of St. Isidro’s are magical.” [cabezudo] - “Carnival Figures with oversized heads”. So like go to the streets and start like dancing and they are pretty funny but when I was a child, I used to be scared of him. [Cuando era pequeña me daban miedo los cabezudos.] - “When I was a child, I was scared of the carnival figures with oversized heads.” [rosquillas] which means “donuts”. These [rosquillas] are called dumb [rosquillas], rosquillas tontas if they are not covered, they are called dumb, donuts and if they are covered with a sugar glaze, they are called like clever donuts [rosquillas listas]. [Me encanta comer rosquillas tontas.] “I love eating dumb donuts.” [garrapiñado] which is “sugared nuts”. Normally they are Almonds but we have also other types of nuts and they normally sell them on the streets. I love them [Quiero comprar una bolsa de almendras garrapiñadas.] - “I want to buy a bag of sugared almonds”. So this is the end of today’s Spanish weekly words holiday’s edition. I hope you learned something interesting for you about St. Isidro’s day and don’t forget to check the site, bye.