Tutorial Transcript
Hello, welcome to Italian weekly words and this is Ilaria. Let’s see today’s theme. Its hobbies Hobby. And the first word is... calligrafia, calligraphy. Mi piacerebbe seguire un corso di calligrafia. I would like to go to calligraphy class. By the way, my handwriting is very messy. I really need to go to a calligraphy class maybe. And the next word is... ballare, dance. Ogni sabato vado a ballare. Every Saturday, I go to dance. Do you like dancing? Next one, this one I love... suonare uno strumento musicale, play a musical instrument. Io so suonare uno strumento musicale. I can play a musical instrument, that’s true I actually can play piano and I started to study Piano when I was 7. I decided, I just really wanted so bad. Nice, can you play anything? Let me know hah. Next one... disegnare, to draw. I love to draw. Ogni giorno disegno tre ore. Every day, I draw for 3 hours. Not really, but I draw everywhere. In the train when I have some time I just draw, I love it. navigare in internet, surf the net. Is this a hobby? Prima di dormire navigo in internet. Before going to bed, I surf the net. That’s something really bad to do. Just go to bed immediately. Next one is the end. I hope you enjoyed the Italian weekly words and see you next time, bye! Ciao ciao!