Tutorial Transcript
Hello and welcome to Learn French with Alexa. During the summer I had the privilege to meet Sylvie. Sylvie has set up a company called "Parfum de France” and she is going to talk a little bit about it. Now remember that you can watch this video with French, English subtitles. French or English subtitles. Very useful to you. Now the first question that I asked Sylvie was: "How did Parfum de France start, how did it come about?" After 20 years as Head of the Chamber of Commerce of the Language Studies Center, we had a beautiful property in Fontevraud and therefore we renovated an outbuilding, that is to say a building outside the main residence, and then we renovated this building, and from that moment, passionate Francophiles from all over the world, they can stay in the house. And they take their cup of coffee in the morning. The classroom is between my main residence and the cottage and here we begin by living an experience because that's really what I want them to do, is that they learn the language through French culture, by living the experience, meeting the people of Fontevraud, Professionals of the abbey, all local partners. It's an adventure that we live for a week. Ok, how much of this did you understand? Now Sylvie is offering immersion courses in France. It sounds very exciting. But I asked her how many could go into the property and learn French with her. How many? So I made a choice, it is to specialize in the individual or the semi-individual [course], because for years, I found that in the group classes the time was shared and if we wanted to achieve a specific goal and maintain a privileged relationship, you should not have many people, and for a week, well, I'm the person from morning till night and during the excursions, well if there are mistakes, because you have to make mistakes to speak, well I can say, you always say that, and that's not it, there, there something is wrong. But these ... so these immersions, we'll talk about it after, it's changing, but of course they were rich exchanges and in fact, I like you, I have a second ... we will say cap. I love English so much so I'm completely bilingual and 50% of my time, I give English lessons to local French, so what happens is that I put them together! And that ... they are obliged to ... they are not obliged, they are seekers [they want] to connect to each other in the conversation. Merci beaucoup Sylvie, that was really informative. Actually if you want to check more about Sylvie’s business, go to Parfum de France or check her Facebook account as well called Parfum de France. Goodbye, see you soon, kiss kiss, bye!