Tutorial Transcript
Hello and welcome to Learn French with Alexa. Today to celebrate halloween we are going to make hands with short crust pastry. So who are we chopping up today, Alexa? Well we are not chopping anybody today, ok? What do you mean we’re not chopping anybody today, I’ve got the gloves! I promise you another time, I promise you! Today instead we are going to make a beautiful recipe which is "une tarte en forme de main” So it’s a tart which is in the shape of a hand, a severed hand! Right! So what do we need? Cut the attitude man, the attitude! Calm down, calm down! So for this recipe today we need scissors. Pair of scissors we need pens, we also need cherry jam. It can also be strawberry jam. We want something red, like the blood. We need a coulis of raspberry, ok also an egg yolk which I would like you to crack, can you crack the egg yolk? Ok we will find out if he can crack an egg. Come on! oh oh my goodness. Ok that’s enough. Seriously? I need another egg? I need another egg Oh my goodness, ok go and get another egg, go and get another egg. Off you go. OK. Meanwhile, while Lawrence is bringing me another egg, we are going to make it. We are going to draw our hand so we are going to trace our hand by putting the hand like this on the cardboard. And then I am going to do this like this. And Lawrence, he is going to do exactly the same. Do you want to do you hand as well Lawrence? I can’t find the eggs. Yes, he can’t find the eggs in the fridge, look in the bottom of the fridge So while Lawrence is looking for the egg. What I am going to do. I am going to cut out my hand. Ok he is not here yet. Have you found an egg? Ok, so you can cut out then. We try again, trial number 2. Meanwhile, I cut out, go on crack here. Do you want me to tell you how to? Slowly. Here you are, my goodness, my goodness, my goodness. Yes. Ok, right, oh my goodness, go on. OK. There you are. Once more. I need the yolk. Just the yolk. Yeah yeah. Oh my goodness, my goodness, my goodness. Ok so. Meanwhile I am going to make the print of my hand. And then I am going to cut it out. Ok you are going to wash your hands, me I have little hands, but you can probably do bigger hands than these ones, very probably because this is quite small. We are going to make another hand a little bit bigger, a little bit bigger I mean. But for the time being we are going to do this to show you how to show you the recipe. So like that. Ok so I cut out my hand which is quite small, we are going to do this like this. So I have done my hand. Ok. And what we are going to do with this hand in fact, we are going to cut it out on the short crust pastry. This is the shortcrust dough. I didn’t introduce it to you earlier. Lawrence, are you doing your hand as well? So here is my unrolled dough. I am going to keep this paper because in fact I am going to use it to heat up the dough. So what I am going to do,I am going to remove it. And what we are going to do. We are going to make the trace of the hand. Have you finished yours? We are going to do it like that And then I am going to take a knife and I am going to trace the hand on the dough. Like this, like this. How are you doing? Not well! I am going to do it a little bit bigger maybe like this to put the dough, and I... like this. Like this. There you are. Ok and I am going to do the same, I need the mirror image of this hand so I remake a hand like this. I remake the hand and I do it like this and I hope it will work. Have you managed, you? What an extraordinary exploit. Extraordinary. This is what I am going to do in fact. Look at this one it is not great. So I am going to re-use the paper, sulfurisé like we say in French. And so what I am going to do. I am going to take it out and I am going to put the hand on my tray like this. Like this. Ok We are going to put the hand like this. There here and in fact what I am going to do as well. Mix the yolk please, mix the yolk I am going a little bit... on? no. I am going a bit on the sides on the extremities like this ok I am going to take a spoon, that's all? That’s good. Here we are going to stick all of this together. Here you are let’s take the jam Like this and we are going to put some a little bit in the middle like this. If you want as well you can also put a funny surprise in the calzone It is not a calzone. It is a funny surprise, if you want you can also put a funny surprise. What kind of surprise you want to put in? Some cheese. Some cheese? Ok if you want. Do you want us to put some cheese? No. No this time we are not going to put cheese on. There you are So, we have got that. And what we are going to do in fact now it is quite simple, we are going to cover this with shortcrust pastry. Here you are like this. Like this. And now what needs to be done, we need to close up all of this and we are going to use a fork so we can in fact close the two doughs, the two sides of the hand properly. So do you want to do it? I don’t know if I trust you after the yolk disaster. Do you want to do it. No I am going to do my hand. You want to do your hand? There we could do your hand. Like this, like this, like this, there you go we do all of this. And when we finish, like this it seals it together and because there is jam inside, it is not going to come out or trickle out. Do you know the song "La confiture ça dégouline, ça dégouline sur la tartine la, la la la la.” Do you know? No. No. Good, your turn, your turn since you are in charge of the yolk. Why don’t you put a little bit of yolk, a little bit everywhere. Very good. There you are like this. Very good Do you think I am going to be a chef when I am older? I don’t know. I don’t know. Not sure. Do you want me to answer honestly? Honestly I don’t think so. So we are going to remake a hand? So... When the hand is finished, I am going to make another one and I can tell you that when the hand is ready we will put it in the oven. Ok the oven for 16 minutes at 180 degrees 180/190 degrees it depends on your oven. And up to the point where the hand is brown in fact. Ok. Yeah. Are you putting it in the oven? So let’s put it in the oven. OK so we will meet again while I am going to make another hand, we will meet again in 16 minutes, see you later in 16 minutes. Here you are, we have made our hand. It heated for at least 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Here you are , so let’s operate now. No no no let me do it We are going to cut it like this. Now we are going to put a little bit of raspberry coulis. And there you are. That’s all. Happy Halloween. Goodbye, see you soon. And bisou bisou. You, you are too beautiful. You I love you so.