Tutorial Transcript
Hallo und willkommen zurück bei Learn German for Beginners -- Deutsch für Anfänger. In the last lesson we learned all about miscommunications and misunderstandings you may encounter as a new speaker of the German language. Du verstehst nicht? Then go back to lesson 5 before continuing with the current lesson! This lesson is all about German days, months, seasons and holidays! Let's start with the days of the week: der Montag -- Monday der Dienstag -- Tuesday der Mittwoch -- Wednesday der Donnerstag -- Thursday der Freitag -- Friday These are the week days, die Wochentage. Let's now move on with the weekend, das Wochenende. der Samstag -- Saturday der Sonntag -- Sunday Let's now continue with the months which shouldn't be hard to remember as they're very similar to English. der Januar -- January der Februar -- February der März -- March der April -- April der Mai -- May der Juni - June der Juli - July der August -- August der September - September der Oktober - October der November - November der Dezember - December Einfach! Easy, isn't it? Let's continue with the seasons: der Frühling -- the Spring der Sommer -- the Summer der Herbst -- the Autumn/Fall der Winter -- the Winter In lesson 1 we introduced the German articles „der, die das". You'll notice that all seasons, months and days have the masculine article der which makes it really easy to remember. Let's take a look at five of the most common international holidays that may come up in conversations. Let's start with one we all celebrate -- der Geburtstag, the birthday. If you didn't get what you wanted on your Geburtstag, maybe you'll get lucky on Valentinstag -- Valentine's Day. And if you haven't stuffed yourself full of enough chocolate on Valentinstag, don't worry because Ostern is next -- Easter. Later in the year comes more candy with Halloween which we call the same in German -- Halloween. And just as you've recovered from the sugar rush, get ready for Weihnachten - Christmas. Now to end the year with a bang on Silvester - New Year's Eve. And we wonder why we're all fettleibig -- obese. Let's put what you've learned into practice! Valentinstag ist im Winter, am vierzehnten Februar. Valentine's Day is in Winter, on the 14th of February. Halloween ist im Oktober -- Halloween is in October. Ostern ist immer am Sonntag -- Easter is always on Sunday. Mein Geburtstag ist am einunddreißigsten Oktober -- My birthday is on the 31st of October. Wann ist dein Geburtstag? - When is your birthday? (GIVE THEM TIME TO TALK!!!!) If you need to freshen up on your dates and numbers, head back to lesson 4! If you're struggling, don't worry! Maybe go back, write these down and practice putting them into simple sentences! That's it for today's lesson! Gut gemacht! Well done! In the next lesson of "Learn German for Beginners" we'll talk about how to express your moods, feelings and emotions in German. If you have any questions or feedback let me know in the comments section below. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up to let me know and subscribe to my channel to learn about the German language and culture on a regular basis! Make sure to like my Facebook and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to learn even more German and get exclusive access to German words of the day, extra learning German videos and sneak peeks into my daily life here in Germany. Vielen Dank fürs Zusehen, stay tuned for the next lesson and don't forget to Get Germanized!