Tutorial Transcript
Hallo und willkommen! Ich bin MeisterLehnsherr und ihr seht „Learn German for Beginners -- Deutsch für Anfänger" lesson 8. In the last episode we learned how to express emotions in German! Today's video is the first intensive vocabulary lesson and we're gonna focus on something all Germans love! No, not beer! Fruit -- das Obst! Let's start, lasst uns anfangen! First up, das Obst -- the fruit. Der Apfel -- the apple Die Banane -- the banana Die Orange -- the orange Die Birne -- the pear Die Mango -- the mango Die (Wein)traube -- the grape Die Aprikose -- the apricot die Kiwi -- the kiwi fruit die Ananas -- the pineapple die Tomate -- the tomato die Avocado -- the avocado die Heidelbeere -- the blueberry die Kokosnuss -- the coconut die Dattel -- the date die Feige -- the fig die Zitrone -- the lemon die Limette -- the lime die Pflaume -- the plum die Erdbeere -- the strawberry der Pfirsich -- the peach die Himbeere -- the rasberry die Kirsche -- the cherry die Wassermelone -- the water melon die Olive -- the olive That's it for today's lesson! Gut gemacht! Well done! In the next lesson of "Learn German for Beginners" we'll learn how to tell the time in German. If you have any questions or feedback let me know in the comments section below. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends and subscribe to my channel to learn about the German language and culture on a regular basis! Also make sure to like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter, Tumblr and all these networks you can see down there for exclusive bonus content and sneak peeks into my daily life, here in Germany! You can also support the channel and get access to many cool rewards like a monthly Google Hangout with me by becoming a patron! To get to my patron page you just have to click the little orange P down there or find the link in the video description below! Thank you for watching, vielen Dank fürs Zusehen, don't forget to Get Germanized, goodbye und auf Wiedersehen!