Tutorial Transcript
Hello! Welcome! I’m Yuting. Today's topic is National Day. And in this lesson, I'm going to introduce some words related to National Day in China. So let's begin! 国庆节 (guóqìng jié) "National Day" 国庆节是从十月一号开始,到十月十五号结束。 (Guóqìng jié shì cóng shí yuè yī hào kāishǐ, dào shí yuè shíwǔ hào jiéshù.) "National Day begins from 1st to 15th of October." That's because the People's Republic of China was found on the 1st of October in 1949. 阅兵 (yuèbīng) "Military parade" 国庆节阅兵十年举行一次。 (Guóqìng jié yuèbīng shí nián jǔxíng yīcì.) "Military parade of National Day is held once every ten years." It’s not every year. 天安门广场 (tiān'ānmén guǎngchǎng) "Tiananmen Square" Tiananmen Square, so big, so huge. 许多国庆节庆祝活动在天安门广场举行。 (Xǔduō guóqìng jié qìngzhù huódòng zài tiān'ānmén guǎngchǎng jǔxíng.) "Lots of festivities of National Day are held in the Tiananmen Square." 花坛 (huātán) "flower bed" 每年国庆节都会在天安门广场展出花坛。 (Měinián guóqìng jié dūhuì zài tiān'ānmén guǎngchǎng zhǎn chū huātán.) "There will be flower bed exhibited in the Tiananmen Square during the National Day celebration." 同志们好,首长好。同志们辛苦了,为人民服务。 (tóngzhìmen hǎo, shǒuzhǎng hǎo. Tóngzhìmen xīnkǔle, wéi rénmín fúwù.) "Greetings, comrades. Greetings, director. Comrades, you have worked hard. For the people." 同志们好 (tóngzhìmen hǎo) ”Greetings, comrades” 首长好 (shǒuzhǎng hǎo) “Greetings, director” 同志们辛苦了 (Tóngzhìmen xīnkǔle) “Comrades, you have worked hard” 为人民服务 (wéi rénmín fúwù) “for the people” Ok, guys, today we learned several words related to the national day in China. And I will do some travel during the National Day because it's a long vacation. Please guys, tell me what will you do to celebrate your national day in your country. Ok, don't forget to subscribe, please comment below to let me know. Ok, bye-bye, see you next time!