Tutorial Transcript
Hello everyone! Today I'm in a lovely Russian interactive theater for kids. Together with Big Bad Wolf. And I'm going to show you around. It's very noisy here. So if you don't speak Russian, use English subtitles. Jesus... Here we go! Here everything is styled like in Russian fairytales. You see? This is "Wonder Fish Whale" (character from a fairytale) It has a town on its back. Here kids are playing. There is an oak from the poem "Lukomorie" (by Pushkin) This is a slide. Over there my son is planting carrots. Here is a throne. The throne of the Snow Queen. This is a creepy Grey Wolf. And a little house with traditional Russian stove. And let's watch the show. Snail: "Why? Because the sun is offended" "–Kids, the sun is offended! – Yes-yes, the sun was waiting for guests, but nobody came" Turtle: "Oh hello aunt Snail. Little turtles are ill" "Look, they're coughing, their throats hurt" "Bit they won't come up. Little turtles! Kids! Come up!" Fox: "Like that! I'll be sitting in this basket, and watch for the chicken. And won't give them to you!" "What a bad fox! But let's not beat her, we're good friends" "What a lovely sun!" "Look! The sun!" "The sun, look, how many friends!" "And kids did such a good job!" "They saved the chicken, cured the little turtles, helped the caterpillars to become butterflies" "They're true friends!" And that was it, I hope you enjoyed. And if you have any questions, leave them below this video, and I'll be happy to answer. Bye-bye!