Tutorial Transcript
I was in Russia this winter. I flew home around December 15th and flew back to America on January 25th. I was at home for 41 days. I had time to rest well. I had a good time with friends and family. We worked a lot, talked a lot about the future of BeFluent with our BeFluent team and it was very good. I needed this conversation, because I was in America for a whole year and my whole BeFluent team is in Russia. I'm glad we were able to talk face to face. Well I took off on Monday, I had two flights. The first is from Novosibirsk to Moscow, then from Moscow to Los Angeles. In Moscow, I waited for 9 hours, but I did not wait at the airport, because my dad was also in Moscow at that time and I just spent time with him. The first flight was good, we flew very quickly. I slept most of the way. And the flight from Moscow to Los Angeles was not so easy. I could not sleep, I was uncomfortable. No one was sitting next to me, but still, for some reason I could not sleep. I listened to music, listened to a podcast, watched videos that I had downloaded before. Well, I landed in Los Angeles. I usually sleep when I fly for so long, but this time I couldn't do it.