Tutorial Transcript
I'll go home soon. I finish the Graduate School in a month, exactly in month, I'm graduating from university. And I will go home. Me and my girl Victoria, we will go first to Moscow we want to visit Moscow and just get to know Russia better because I was in Moscow only two times, three times but I was not in Moscow itself, that is, I did not walk around Moscow, did not see interesting places. Overall, frankly speaking, I have never been to Moscow, only to the traffic in Moscow. So. Then we will go to St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, I generally never been and I want to get to know the city, and for Victoria get to know it too and so we can learn more about Russia basically. Then we will go to Novosibirsk, my hometown, to my family, to my friends we will just spend time there, and then I will stay in Russia by myself. I will be in Russia until the end of August, because I finished studies, I do not need to go anywhere and so on. I am very happy that I will have this opportunity because that I was not very home for a long time and I miss Russia a little, life in Russia basically. Because when I arrive, I am in Russia only well, a maximum of a month and a half, maximum. This time I will be in Russia for almost 3 months. And this is very good, I am very happy because of this. I'm waiting to see my parents, my family and friends. And I already want to eat Russian food as soon as possible, to go to Russian restaurants, drink Russian beer and so on. And basically, I think that I will have more time every day to do my own thing, like let's say BeFuent, and other things and I don't need to go to school or work. So I am very very, very happy. I cannot wait until I will come to Russia.