Tutorial Transcript
I recently graduated from a university. I finished it in May and now I am in Los Angeles. I live with the parents of my girlfriend, because in Los Angeles the housing is very expensive, but I was offered by the parents of Victoria, my girlfriend, to live with them. And with each month I understand that I need my own home. I need my own apartment so that I can set rules in your home so that I can do what I want. While here now I obey the rules of my girlfriend's family, but I don't like it because I believe that I'm ready already to have my own house, and soon I already found an apartment, I will live alone. I will live in my apartment and I am very happy about it, because I believe that I'm ready to live independently, to make my own adult decisions and set some in general ... have my own nest, so to speak. And gradually, gradually to learn more about myself, to learn more about the world. And yes, I'm ready to be a free bird already in this world and not obey other rules other people's rules. Yeah. And soon it will happen and I am very happy about this.