Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel! So, behind me you see a blackboard with 16 adjectives. From these 16 adjectives we will learn 16 more, doing a very simple thing. If you have followed my lessons in the last few days or weeks, you will know that I started making vocabulary videos, on how to expand your vocabulary in Italian and therefore there are small tricks that we can put into practice to do just that. We can add prefixes, suffixes to verbs and nouns, to adjectives, we can look up synonyms, antonyms, etc. Today we will add a prefix to these adjectives and we will discover their opposite, adding the prefix S- All you have to do is add an S in front of these adjectives to have the opposite, and here you are 16 adjectives to use in your conversations. I leave you the links to the previous lessons on this topic, on how to expand your lexicon, we talked about nouns, nouns, but also verbs. Find everything in the video description below. Let's start by reading these adjectives: happy (happy) happy (happy) Convenient / comfortable (confortable, convenient) Loaded / charged Fortunato / fortunata (lucky) Swollen / swollen (inflated, bloated, swollen) Loyal (loyal) Covered / covered Polite / polite (polite) Confined / confined fiorito / fiorita (blooming) courteous (kind) pleasant appreciated / appreciated (appreciated) colorful / colorful (lively, vivid, colorful) agreeable (pleasant) combed / combed (well-groomed, brushed, polished) We have seen the pronunciation of these adjectives, now we see the meaning. You have the English translations alongside, I will give you some example sentences. Contento / a. Today I am very happy. I will be very happy when you can leave the house. Comfortable / a. My chair is very comfortable. Shopping online is very convenient, because they bring you shopping at home. So it means "comfortable" for sofas, chairs, beds, etc., but it can also mean "convenient", something a service. Loaded / loaded. My phone is full. Today I feel charged, I am ready to train. Fortunato / a. It means "lucky". If you are lucky, you win the lottery. Swollen / a. Change meaning depending contexts therefore can mean "inflated", for example the mattress is inflated, it is well inflated. I broke my knee so my knee is swollen now. I have eaten too many legumes and now I am bloated. Loyal (loyal). A great quality in a person is being loyal. Indoor / covered. Parking is covered. or: Sara likes to sleep indoors. means "covered" Polite means "polite" and therefore "she is a very polite person". Confined / ao (confined), so "we are all confined within our homes". fiorito or fiorita (blooming) A flower park, a flower garden, it means a garden full of flowers in full beauty and above all blossomed. Courteous (kind). Obviously it ends with the -E so it is the same for the feminine and the singular masculine. He / she is a very courteous person. Pleasant. Here too it ends with the -E so it is the same for the feminine and the singular masculine. It was a really pleasant evening, I had a lot of fun. Welcome or welcome means "appreciated". For example: this gift is very welcome, your gesture is very welcome, or your kindness is very welcome, your presence is very welcome. Colorito / a has various meanings based on the context, can mean "lively, vivid, colorful". You are colorful in the face! Means you're red from the sun, or "have colorful language" it means having a somewhat vulgar, colorful language. Agreeable (agreable, likable). This wine is very pleasant. The taste of this sauce is very pleasant. Pettinato means "well-groomed" or "brushed", also "polished". If I say: he is always very combed. It can also mean very elegant, who cares to be elegant, fragrant, clean, etc. Same thing for a woman (combed). Elegant, always in order. And it is an adjective that is also used in more colloquial speech, for example: "It always comes out all combed", "it always comes out all combed" in the sense yes, of course, in order with the hair, but also with the clothes, so everything in order, very elegant, well-kept. Very well. So now I have given you some examples with these adjectives and I also told you the English translation. Now we will go to the opposites by adding an S-in front. So let's get unhappy (unhappy) uncomfortable unloaded, out of power unfortunate (unlucky) deflated (flat, deflated), unfair (disloyal) uncovered rude (impolite, rude) Boundless (boundless), faded (faded), rude (rude), unpleasant (unpleasant), unwelcome (unwanted), discolored (faded), unpleasant (unpleasant), disheveled (messy). "I am unhappy", although in reality this adjective is not used very often, it is a lot more frequent to say "I'm not happy", however it is an adjective that you could find in the everyday life and therefore it is useful to know him. Uncomfortable / a is the opposite of comfortable, therefore This service is not very convenient, because I have to wait too long to receive the product. or: this sofa is really uncomfortable. means "inconvenient", "uncomfortable". Unloading (empty, unloaded, out of power). My cell phone is empty, it no longer has a battery, it is empty. or: the van is unloaded, in that case it is empty, because the goods have been moved to the warehouse I never win the lottery, I'm unlucky. Deflated / a. The machine wheel is deflated (flat). The mattress is deflated. Today I am deflated (not bloated). My knee is not swollen, it is deflated so "not swollen". Unfair (disloyal). Uncovered (uncovered). Sara likes to sleep uncovered, without blankets. Rude / a. Marco has been rude lately. Boundless (boundless, limitless). So its potential is boundless. This park is boundless (immense). "Sfiorito" is used in a metaphorical sense, for example the faded beauty. Then something that is no longer there or even "the flowers of this plant have faded". So they died somehow. Rude (rude, impolite) Unpleasant (unfortunate). It was an unfortunate inconvenience. or: it was an unpleasant encounter. unwanted: your presence here is unwelcome. "Discolored" is something that has lost color, for example: a shirt can be discolored. "Unpleasant" (unpleasant): Talking to you is unpleasant. Disheveled (messy). He is disheveled, his appearance is messy. That's all for today's lesson, I hope you found it useful. obviously write all these words, okay? Write down these adjectives in your notebook or in your notes. So, see you soon in a new Italian lesson. Thanks for watching this. See you soon, Hello!