Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel! Today as you can see I have a guest with me, the Pasta Queen !! Nadia! And therefore you will understand that the topic of this video is food, in particular we would like to talk a little about those Italian foods that do not exist in Italy. Exactly. Obviously I am here in Rome and therefore I don't have, how to say, a direct vision of all this, I can only search the internet for certain things, but is Nadia found? I'm in Florida, America, we cook from morning to night, so let's say we have a lot of opportunities to go to the supermarket to see and buy, let's say that we have made a culture on all Italian products and we have a lot of fun when we go shopping because we have - then I'll tell you - you will see that there are many things that have been invented here and that do not exist. And this thing touches you? Does it bother you a little bit, how do you feel about it? Because food is important to us, isn't it? So if we touch the food a little we get impatient. We are very vocal about what we like and what we don't like, it's not that we want to be hypercritical, however, there are standards, that is, if you want to tell the whole world that this is a typical Italian dish or is it a cacio e pepe, a carbonara or a pizza, make pizza. If you make carbonara or cacio e pepe it's not that you put mayonnaise in it! Really ... Help! Yes, in fact I totally agree with what you say, why everyone is free to eat what they want, they can make the combinations they prefer, they can also be the strangest combinations, but when you mention an Italian dish and say that this is carbonara, no, it is not carbonara if you make it with ham and cream. So why? Because you have to call it by the Italian name, when it's not an Italian dish. Look, I talk to many people, even to many other people of other nationalities, cultures, ethnic groups, and all of them live it in the same way, because there are typical Mexican dishes, for example, that people invent everything and put everything in there, don't they? I made a survey among many friends that I have who come from Mexico on how to make guacamole, which is one of their main snacks and many people make up everything, but they have a standard recipe that they are very proud of, right? The same for us Italians, that is, if we still have our traditions, how you make ragù, how you make egg pasta, how you make gnocchi, orecchiette, it's not that you start inventing things; it is also true that these days I have seen that there are many Italian chefs who experiment and have a lot of imagination. But if there is a traditional dish, you must make the traditional dish, because otherwise you offend. Italians in general are very protective and passionate about their cuisine, our cuisine and our world and when they touch it we light up, then ignite the wrath of the true Italian! And look, another question comes to my mind just because you said this. - We are often made fun of for this, what do you think? - About being too hypercritical about our kitchen? Yes, in the sense that, in fact, we get angry when someone is wrong in our dishes, or say that those are Italian dishes when it is evident that they are not, and we get angry and therefore we are often derided for this, aren't we? That we are too attached to food. Yes, I find that it is only a minority of people who criticize us, most are all in agreement from what I have noticed, because however everyone on his traditions, and also as I said for example my friends who are of other nationalities, are very proud of their traditional foods. It is not only an Italian thing, it is a thing of people who know what the values are, what the traditions are and believe it, and then they sell it, don't they? Then there are always those there who say "ah, you Italians like that, you Italians there", but those say so about everyone, the Italians, the Mexicans, the Russians, the Spaniards, they are always the usual ones who criticize. Do not you think? Maybe on the internet, let's say, there is everything, right? But I often find myself reading comments like this, probably yes, they are people who don't have a culinary culture, that maybe they are not interested in good food, the quality of food, maybe they don't cook, they don't know how to cook maybe, I don't know. That's right, they don't have that traditional mentality, they don't have a passion for culinary art. With all the people I talked to, however, I noticed that there is always a general agreement that everyone protects the traditions of their own country. Yes, because there are so many countries with almost thousand-year-old culinary traditions, no? So I think it's important to preserve them. For example, why did I create the channel on TikTok, on YouTube, on Instagram? Because it is important to pass on the traditions to the new generations of people who are interested in learning and in any case expanding culinary knowledge. I have many many followers who are between 12 and 16 years old, do you realize? And that you teach him something that doesn't make sense? Who has no basis? Who has no tradition? No, teach it how it's done, well done! Of course, I absolutely agree with you, in fact I really like what you do on the internet and unfortunately they are not all like you, there are many people who make videos just to make them and not thinking about this speech, of somehow passing on the traditions from generation to generation. For that I do the reviews and I also received a lot of criticism for the fact that I do not let others express themselves with their own culinary combinations. So, guys, it has nothing to do with this, but if you publish me a video where you say "this is an Italian specialty", "this is the Italian carbonara" and then you put the cream in it, right? For example, which is a very frequent thing, it is not good in my opinion that you promote yourself in that way by saying that you are doing a Roman or Lazio specialty, etc. This annoys me. Then there are also culinary crimes that I investigate from time to time. Guy? The one who decided to make fusilli inside chicken, he emptied the whole chicken, put the box of fusilli in it, the water, some frozen onions and then decided to put it in the fridge and cook the pasta with the chicken juice it drains. I mean, I said "but sorry, regà, this is a crime". With the chicken not even cooked at the end, it was white, and the fusilli were being eaten from inside the chicken! Mamma mia, but how does it come to your mind? I have to stop them, it is my responsibility for the good I feel for humankind, to stop these things that are sins. A real massacre. And oh well then they tell me "ah but you have to leave people expressing themselves, everyone has his own tastes", that is, would you teach your child such a technique? These are thousands of years of traditions that are practically crippled. Yes, but then I can't even imagine what the taste of that stuff can be, that is, how can you say it is good? Going back to us, one thing I noticed here is that there are those companies that actually exist in Italy, I'll give you an example, Barilla is a company that obviously exists in Italy, we all know it, however in America names are invented only for Americans: the "rotini" are fusilli and they call them "rotini". And the Americans delighted, cover the "rotini" and eat the "rotini". One thing I noticed is that Barilla in particular is as if it were a different company abroad, that is, it produces things that do not exist in Italy. Then I haven't bought Barilla for years now, I only buy Voiello and Molisana. And this is a striking example of the topic of our call: things that do not exist in Italy. This is a striking example and then I made a video on this, you don't know what a scandal! "Look that's not true! I've seen factories in Italy." Regà, I did not say that there are no factories in Italy, I am telling you that (the product sold) in America is not made in Italy, and says "imported ingredients", which is unknown even if they are Italian. Don't tell me "Italy's number 1 brand of pasta". That is, it wants to be international and does not bring Italy's message to the world in my opinion. No, because then you open the package of pasta, I have to be honest, now you can't see it from here, but the pasta is orange, that is, the quality of the pasta is also very very low. My favorite that I buy now is Di Martino and Gentile, which are two from Gragnano, in the province of Naples, that make pasta properly, slow drying, low temperatures, really a great thing. And you can see it, the pasta is golden, not orange! Look, since, say, I am shopping for myself, I have decided that I must be a conscious consumer and buy products that deserve to be bought. Because you help the entrepreneur, the company behind the product you buy, especially these days. - Another thing, can I tell you this? - Yes, tell me. But the striped mostaccioli? Striped Mostaccioli? Regà, but these are the pens !! Mamma mia, look, which then (mostaccioli) are Christmas sweets! These are the chocolate ones! These are the mostaccioli! Exactly, what does that have to do with it? Names are invented that don't exist anywhere else. These are a striking example. Then there is even .. Ah these! He liked "rotini" so much that they created "tricolor rotini"! Mamma mia, do you know what this pasta reminds me of? That tricolor pasta, colorful that they sell in souvenir shops, magnets, things, which I hate. I swear to you if it were up to me those shops would all be closed. How do I feel when I see these things? "We are laughing". It makes us laugh because obviously, what you have to do, it's not a bad thing, but it's a fun thing for Italians. Yes, but you know sometimes I also get a little discomfort, because I think - maybe I exaggerate, I don't know - though, no? if that thing is called "fusilli" and you change names to that thing, it is as if you wanted to redefine the identity of that product. It's really ridiculous, look, I tell you, it's such a ridiculous thing that I laugh when I sell these things. Like, for example, isn't it? Another example, I go to the supermarket, my favorite, and I find "Paesano" oil, okay? What does he say, then the cap says "made in Sicily", ok, from Asaro which is a company that exists in Sicily, ok? The oil is very good, but they called it by another name, which they think can attract Italian Americans, because "Paesano" is something they say to each other, isn't it? - This "peasant" oil does not exist in Italy, that is, have you ever seen it? - No. And they changed the name, but why don't we leave the original name? And we get them used to speaking in Italian! Yes, then they always play on this rhetoric also of dialect words that were used 50 years ago, which are no longer used now. There was one who wanted to criticize me because I did the squid fry and I said "squid fry". And this person writes to me: "the way you say" squid "makes me too disgusting, you don't say it as you have to say the real word. The real word is" galamat "(?)". It is a dialect of a grandmother who could not speak Italian, who emigrated, who taught grandchildren, what it is, to say so. - And now they say so, instead of "squid". - Yes, but it's absurd. A word that does not exist, is a dialect by ear, they are not even written words. So languages evolve and so do dialects, right? So the dialect of any region 50 years ago is not the dialect that is now in Italy. Here is a giant Italian-American community, I love them all, but don't tell me you hate me because I say "squid", respect Italian origins. You have to answer: "okay, the next time you come to Italy, if you ever come to Italy, try to order like this at the restaurant, and see what they bring you!". Because then these people are also people who have perhaps never seen Italy, they live from the vision that their ancestors had. And this thing bothers me a bit and what I try to do with my channel is to create awareness of what Italy is today in 2020. Look, I too, have the same ideals. I mean, of course, then you know it, I've been living abroad for a few years now and I really miss Italy, but I try in any way to hand down authentic things, traditions and authentic things, authentic dishes so in short I find myself very in tune with the whole channel. But we are in tune from the first moment we met! The only thing, as we said before, is to define exactly the thing for what it is, and not to pretend that a thing is a thing when it isn't. Also because you are setting an example to people who know nothing. And you are teaching and therefore you also have a certain responsibility towards the people who follow you. Of course you have your own ways, we have family recipes, etc., etc. But there are things that are not done, combinations that do not exist. Returning to the supermarket, have you ever found the "Italian dressing"? Of course! Always, it's something you even ask here when you go to the restaurant. And it is hugely popular here. To season the salad. We simply put lemon, salt and a little oil. Sometimes just oil and salt. For example, my mom, my grandmother also bring us a drop of apple cider vinegar. I ask myself: why does it say "Italian"? To sell more? Why has this never been seen in Italy, so who came up with the idea of calling it "Italian dressing"? We see that someone thought of doing this brilliant marketing to make him think it was an Italian thing. It is a huge problem also from an economic point of view, because those products that seem Italian, but are not, they go to deceive the customer, however the customer buys it because they cost less, because usually our real products cost more, because there is quality behind it, and therefore it is at our expense. Once I saw I don't remember where, it said "mozzarella campana", here and there, it was made in Germany. Are you kidding me? What is it? It's like when you see this. You say "ah wow Italian pasta", but people do not read, not law that is made in America. So, quickly I read you some dishes and you will tell me if they exist in Italy or not. I already imagine your answers, but we do it for fun. So: spaghetti with meatballs? No. Spaghetti Bolognese? No. Chicken pasta? No. Pizza with chicken? Ninth. No. Fettuccine Alfredo? No. Garlic bread? No. They are practically all farces. I could not understand this fettuccine alfredo thing, we are fettuccine with butter and parmesan. Yes, it's the pasta with butter for when you're sick. There was this Alfredo in 1900 and they called him the emperor of fettuccine, who had this restaurant, his wife had given birth and was ill. So, he made this pasta for his wife, who was practically double butter and Parmesan cheese, and she felt better. But let's say that I don't know what happened. If I'm not mistaken, someone went there, some famous Hollywood actor, he ate at the restaurant and then they brought this custom to America, adding chicken. Now then in the years, from the 50s / 60s to today, fettuccine has become cream, which has nothing to do with butter, that butter, however, is more expensive than cream products that have many things to make them longer, and sometimes there are even the onion and then they throw us a slice of chicken. Okay, so this was a very informative and controversial chat. - But I'm a controversy and so it happened. - it happened! So follow Nadia on YouTube, on TikTok, also on Instagram, she is the Pasta Queen! However I will leave all the links in the video description below. And thank you very much, Nadia, for chatting with me today! Thank you, beautiful Lucrezia! Talk to you soon! A kiss, see you soon!