Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel! Today let's talk about grammar, specifically we will talk about these words that you see written here on the whiteboard: qualche, qualsiasi, qualunque, ogni. What are these words and what do they have in common? First of all, we need to know that these four words are indefinite adjectives that are used with masculine and feminine nouns. What is the characteristic of these words that I want to bring to your attention in this video? The fact that these four words are singular, so in the sentences we must make the agreement singular. Don't be fooled by the last letters! Qualche [some], qualsiasi [any], qualunque [any], and ogni [every] are singular indefinite adjectives. Let's take a masculine noun, "book". I have to say: some book(s), any book, any book, every book Let's take a feminine noun, "candle": some candle(s), any candle, any candle, every candle. Alright, "qualche", what does "qualche" mean? It gives an indication of quantity, so if I say "there is(are) some book(s) on the table" or "there is(are) some candle(s) on the table" it means that there are more candles, so not only one, but surely two or more candles; it is an indefinite adjective in regards to the quantity of something. "qualsiasi" and "qualunque" are synonyms, they can be interchangeable in a sentence, there is an indefiniteness in regards to the type of thing (there is no preference). For example: qualsiasi [any] / qualunque [any] book you choose will be fine because it is important to read. I mean, it depends! Just now while I said the sentence it came to mind some examples of books that it is almost better not to read than to read those books, however, this is a digression! Anyway, "any / anything you want to do in life you must commit yourself to or you must commit yourself to". The verb that follows "qualunque" and "qualsiasi" must be conjugated in the subjunctive. While "every" gives an idea of succession, of something in a series, for example: "every Tuesday I play tennis". Every Tuesday that follows. Obviously each of these elements, so every element maybe belongs to a larger group, for example: "Every citizen must do their part" what does it mean? It means that all of the citizens must do their own part. So, recapping, some, any, any, every, are used for both feminine and masculine and all four are singular indefinite adjectives, so the sentence must be in the singular for it to work. What I advise you to do is to write on a piece of paper, in your notebook, wherever you want, some sentences with these indefinite adjectives, so that it becomes a habit to use these indefinite adjectives in the singular. If you want, you can also write your sentences in the comments here below. Thanks a lot for having watched this video and we will see each other in the next. See you soon, bye!