Tutorial Transcript
Welcome back to top words and this week will be about top 15 questions you should know. So if you travel in France, pay attention to those. Aimes-tu la cuisine française? Do you like French food? So if you are invited somewhere, usually people have this questions. Aimes-tu la cuisine française? Do you like French food? Oh Aimes-tu la cuisine française? Yes, sure I love it. So do you like French food? C'est quand votre anniversaire? When is your birthday? Quand est ton anniversaire? If you want to be a bit casual. Quand est ton anniversaire? When is your birthday? Combien de temps as-tu appris le français? How long have you been studying French? Combien de temps as-tu appris le français? or Pendant combien de temps as-tu appris le français? Usually we say Pendant combien de temps. I am sorry if I speak really fast but French people usually speak really fast. For three months, well you are good. Comment t'appelles-tu? What’s your name? You will hear this one a lot. So Comment t'appelles-tu? or more casually, it would be Comment tu t'appelles? Comment vas-tu? How are you? Comment vas-tu? How are you? Hey bonjour, comment vas-tu? or you will often hear Comment ça va? Hey comment ça va? D'où venez-vous? Where are you from? D'où venez-vous? Where do you come from? And just answer where did I come from? I am from America….French people often make jokes about English speaking people. So prove them wrong by answering in French and you will impress them very much. That would be so great. So try it. Es-tu déjà allé(e) en France? Have you been to France? Well Aller is go. So if you are already in France when answering this, it would be Es-tu déjà venu(e) en France? which is did you ever come to France with the notion of, did you ever come before or is it your first time? Maybe you will also hear this one, is it your first time in France? Est-ce que c'est ta première fois en France? Où as-tu appris le français? Where did you learn French? Où as-tu appris le français? Where did you learn French? On Frenchpod101 with me. Yeah where did you learn French? Leave me a comment below. Maybe in your home country or on the internet or did you study it more seriously in school. So just tell me. Où habitez-vous? Where do you live? I used to live in the south, so between Spain and Italy. It was a nice place full of Sun and everything. You should check it out. So come to the south of France, it’s sunny. Où sont les toilettes? Where is the bathroom? Où sont les toilettes? You will need this one in a restaurant. Toilet is a plural word in French. We used to make a joke that French toilet are so dirty that you have to check many of them before finding a decent one. That’s why it’s a plural name. Some toilets, you have to pay to access them actually in public places. So be careful. Sometimes you need a coin especially in station like train stations. Où travaillez-vous? Where do you work? Où travaillez-vous? Where do you work? I work on the internet. It’s a worldwide place. So after this one, usually you ask, where do you work in or what’s your job? Quel est ton travail? or Dans quoi travailles-tu? Here you go. Qu'avez-vous dit? What did you say? Qu'avez-vous dit? or you will often hear Pardon? or excuse me like I am sorry, like I didn’t get you. So Pardon? Excusez-moi? or can you repeat Pouvez-vous répéter? So if French people say that to you, just try repeating what you said. Qu'est-ce que c'est? What is this? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Show them something fancy for your own country and tell them and they would ask Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est? Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? What’s your phone number? Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? What’s your phone number? This is a pick up line. Hey, what’s your phone number? Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? Maybe they will ask for Pseudo which is your ID in any web messaging service. Es-tu célibataire? Are you single? And if you are traveling to France and happen to find love, maybe you will be asked, are you single Es-tu célibataire? or maybe the other sneaky way around Est-ce que tu as un copain? or Est-ce que tu as une copine? Do you have a boyfriend or do you have a girlfriend. So maybe you will find French love in France, who knows. And it’s the end for this week. Don’t forget to subscribe for more and don’t forget to check the website if you want to know more about French. And see you next time. À bientôt!