Tutorial Transcript
So welcome back, watchers, so this time we're going to talk about 10 Phrases You Never Want to Hear. Last time we did the one you wanted to hear and this time let's be negative Ce n'est pas toi, c'est moi. "It's not you, it's me." Ce n'est pas toi, c'est moi. "It's not you, it's me." Usually I'm the one saying that I'm saying it's not me it's you and yes I mean it this way. Désolé(e), j'avais oublié. "Sorry, I forgot." Punch him in the face! When you are phoning someone, where are you? Désolé(e), j'avais oublié. "Sorry, I forgot." Whoopsie! Il faut qu'on parle. "We need to talk." Il faut qu'on parle. "We need to talk.” This one is scary, you really don't want to hear that. Don't worry about it too much. There was this famous French commercial, it goes Il faut qu'on parle. "We need to talk.” “My body is growing!" Mon corps est en pleine croissance! It was an advertising for water for sharing because you need to drink more water, and the kids were like Il faut qu'on parle. Je n'ai pas tes sous aujourd'hui. "I don't have your money today." Je n'ai pas tes sous aujourd'hui. "I don't have your money today." If I lend you money I need to have it back! Je te l'avais dit! "I told you so!" This is a sentence I like saying, but I don't like hearing it if it’s for me. "I told you so!" Merci pour votre CV, cependant le poste a été pourvu. "Thank you for your resume, however the position has been filled." Merci pour votre CV, cependant le poste a été pourvu. "Thank you for your resume, however the position has been filled." So yes, sorry that you’ve been rejected, it happens. Nous devrions voir d'autres personnes. "We should see other people." Nous devrions voir d'autres personnes. "We should see other people." Come on! You got eyes, you see other people, all around you, you don't need that. Do we? do we? So does it mean it’s over? Tu as pris du poids récemment? "Have you gained weight recently?" Tu as pris du poids récemment? "Have you gained weight recently?" Mean! I work out every day but if I hear this I work out more. Tu as un cheveu blanc. "You have a grey hair." “grey” is gris, and cheveu blanc is actually “white hair”. It hurts the same, yep, I’m getting older. If I see a grey hair, I’d… pluck. So no one would ever tell me this. So sad. Vous êtes renvoyé(e)! "You are fired!" I guess if you don’t have another job or other ideas to work on, this can be a problem. And then you go back to the sentence “I’m sorry, the position has been filled." So it’s the end of this week, don't forget to subscribe and tell us in the comment what you wouldn't want to hear. See you next time!