Tutorial Transcript
hi everyone if you are coming to France you will probably need to take the train or the metro and probably even in Paris so let's have 10 phrases to survive at the station because it's pretty hard in there it's the jungle gym Hialeah I'd like to go to gym Holly ah I would like to go to then put the name of the place whether it's a city if you are taking the train or if it's a metro you might want to know more precise location so if you can find someone at the ticket counter just ask Gemma has a lay up and then they will give us directions s lab on platform app or is it the right platform for a slab bond platform pool is this the right platform for place so if the station is really big you will have a lot of platforms and sometimes it might get confusing so you might want to ask if you're on the right place and if it's a metro for example rose or a tramway they go both directions so you want to be sure you are on the right side of the platform to get the right direction rescue would go the other way then it can get tricky Okello ello done it huh what time is the last train I Kelly will you down yet huh what time is the last train these questions on so Japanese if it's a big normal train hmm they may have trains all day and sometimes even night trains and if you are talking about a metro or tramway train and depending on the cities sometimes they finish later but around midnight is a good safe spot for the last train so try to get them before midnight sometimes they have some after but that's mostly in bigger cities so you don't want to take that risk Oh Priya shun Jaipur where do I change for good research on Jaipur where I can I change for place I didn't change out the proper spot and ended up 250 kilometres away from where I was supposed to be ha whoopsy be sure to check that and be sure also to have enough time before trains to change if you are going from a big train to a big train and going through a big train station or even through a big city sometimes they have many train stations so you need enough time to go for one station to another so be careful is that when I go where is the train station well I go where is the train station where is the train station this is not a sentence to survive at the station because you're not in the station ask your local policemen train station are usually indicated so there should be easy to find but if you don't know drew just ask anyone really Wescott report a and BA where can I buy a ticket Wescott rapacity MBA where can I buy a ticket if you're going abroad from France and sometimes we have to queue at the ticket counter to get your ticket usually people speak English we saw the distributor automatic double yeah where are the ticket machines whose only distributor automatic the BA where are the ticket machines in the station there are bit everywhere let's go so Bruce this bus go to s curse abuse VII does this bus go to place you can ask this to the driver of the bus because sometimes again the map for all the bus routes can be pretty tricky to understand and you cannot really be sure if you are on the right side of the road to take the right bus in the right direction so you should ask your bus driver if you're not sure where ahead abuse where is the best stop well ahead abuse where is the best stop depending on the city you will have many bus lines so you want to find the right bus stop for the right bus line so if you find a bus stop it may not be your right line so be sure to check that to retire your hota the trains running late retard your hota the train is running late it is indeed mostly buses are late in France trains our K ish they can depart on time don't expect them to be really precise but still be on time just in case on time this one time that was a lot of time timey time so have you ever taken a bus or train in France and how was it and was it on time tell me in the comments usually mind we're in Radian time and if you want to learn more French further about transportation or travel you can check the website and don't forget to subscribe for more French words see you next time have a good behind and good luck with it Boop that's my train pose it's getting hot in here