Tutorial Transcript
Rosa: Hello everyone, my name is Rosa and this is Spanish weekly words and I am about to discover what the theme for this week is. It is vegetables. The first one is [berenjena] which means “eggplant”. [Mi madre hace unas berenjenas fritas con miel riquísimas.] - “My mother makes very delicious fried eggplants with honey.” [champiñón] which means “mushroom”. [Puedes cocinar los champiñones en el microondas.] - “you can cook your mushrooms in the microwave.” That is very good. [espinacas] means “spinach”. [Me encantan las espinacas con bechamel.] - “I love spinach with Béchamel.” This sauce is made with flour and milk. [lechuga] - “lettuce”. [La lechuga se había podrido.] - “the lettuce was rotten”. [pimiento] - “bell pepper”. [Tomare un bocadillo con pimientos asados.] - “I will take a sandwich with roasted bell peppers.” This is the end. I hope you learned something today. I hope you are eating enough vegetables. Yeah if you are not, you should change that. Hope to see you next week, bye.