Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone, I am Rosa. This is Spanish weekly words and the topic for this week is Spanish actors. Let’s see Penelope Cruz. I think she is one of the most well known Spanish actresses outside of Spain. I think she was the first Spanish actress to get an Oscar for Vicky Cristina Barcelona from the director Woody Allen. She also has a sister who is an actress too. [Penélope Cruz y su hermana fueron de compras.] - “Penelope Cruz and her sister went shopping.” The next one is Alfredo Landa. Ah I think he used to participate in films during the 70s and he used to be like very funny. He has these like really like unique face. He seemed like nice. I used to watch some of his films like on TV when I was like a child. [A Alfredo Landa le gustan los huevos fritos con patatas.] - “Alfredo Landa likes fried eggs with rice”. I don’t know. The next one is Javier Bardem. He is the husband of Penelope Cruz. Yeah I think he is a good actor [Tanto Penélope Cruz como Javier Bardem tienen un Oscar.]. - “Both Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem have won Oscar”. The next one is Carmen Sevilla. She was very beautiful and I think like she was given the name or the title of the girlfriend of Spain. In these old films made a bit of fun of her because when she retired, she started like raising sheep in a kind of village. [Las ovejas de Carmen Sevilla se hicieron muy famosas.] - “Carmen Sevilla’s sheeps became very famous”. Okay next one Antonio Banderas, I was wondering when he will come up. He is married with Melanie Griffith. I think he was one of the first actors that was well known like a bro. The oldest most famous one was The Legend of Zorro. He then also like give voice (to) Puss in Boots, el gato con botas in Shrek. [Antonio Banderas tiene una voz muy sexy.] - “Antonio Banderas has very sexy voice”. Yeah that’s it, that’s the end of today’s Spanish weekly words. We talked a little bit about Spanish actors. Maybe you got interested in some of them, go watch some of their films. Well I hope you liked it. See you, bye.