Tutorial Transcript
Hello everybody, I am Rosa and this is Spanish weekly words and I have also discovered what the theme for this week is. So it is hygiene actions. [bañarse] which means “bathe”. [Después de un largo y duro día de trabajo me gusta bañarme.]- “After a hard and long day working, I like taking a bath”. The next word is [cepillar] which means “brush” either for your teeth or for your hair, like, cepillarse el pelo cepillarse los dientes [Hay que cepillarese los dientes después de cada comida.] - “You have to brush your teeth after each meal. “ The next word is [hacer gárgaras] - “to gargle”. [Cuando era pequeña solía hacer gargaras con un líquido que sabía a chicle.] - “When I was a child, I used to gargle with liquid tasty like chewing gum”. The next word is [lavar] which means “wash”. You can use it for a lot of things. You can [lavar el pelo] or [lavar la ropa] - “wash your clothing” or any object, I don’t know. [Voy a lavarme el pelo antes de la cena de hoy. ] - “I am going to wash my hair before tonight’s dinner.” The next word is [peinar] which is “comb”. [peinar] you can transform it into other which would be [peinarse] it is to comb your hair. [Después de lavarme el pelo me lo peino. ] - “After washing my hair, I comb it”. This is the end. I hope you learned something useful and also I hope to see you next week, bye.