Tutorial Transcript
Hi this is Ilaria and welcome to Italian holiday words. Today’s theme is Music Day, I love music. [Festa della Musica] - “Music Day”. It takes place on June 21st to celebrate the beginning of summer actually. [Non vedo l'ora di andare ai concerti durante la Festa della Musica.] I am looking forward to go to concert during the Music Day. [solstizio d'estate] - “summer solstice”, [Il giorno della musica celebra il solstizio d'estate.] “Music Day celebrates summer solstice”. [concerto] - “concert”. Concerto [Durante questo evento, molte città italiane offrono concerti gratuiti] “During this event, many Italian cities offer free concerts”. Yes there are free concerts everywhere in many Italian cities and of course all over the world and it is a fantastic day. [musicisti emergent] - “Emerging musicians”, Yes! [Durante il giorno della musica, anche i musicisti emergenti possono esibirsi. “During Music Day, even emerging musicians can perform.” [strumenti musicali] - “Musical instruments”. [Durante la Giornata della Musica hai l'occasione di ascoltare tantissimi strumenti musicali diversi.] - “During Music Day, you have the chance to listen to several different musical instruments”. Yeah actually I can play the Piano. So maybe you can come and listen to my performance. And the next word is, the end. No more words! Finito. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. Let me know if you’ve ever been to the music day in Italy and see you next time. Don’t forget to check the websites and chao-chao!