Tutorial Transcript
Chao! Welcome to Italian holiday words. Today’s theme is Republic Day. This is a very important day in Italy. It is on June, 2nd and maybe it’s one of the most important holidays in Italy. [Festa della Repubblica] - “Republic Day”. So this day actually commemorates the day in 1946 when Italian people were called to decide what kind of government to give to the country. [La Festa della Republica è un giorno di festa nazionale.] - “Republic Day is a national holiday”. No school, nothing. [costituzione] - “constitution”. [costituzione] - “constitution”. [Nel 1946 la popolazione italiana elesse i membri dell'assemblea che scrissero la Costituzione.] - “In 1946, Italian people were called to decide the member of the assembly which wrote the Italian constitution.” [Altare della Patria] - “Altar of the Fatherland”. Altare della Patria, this is the Altar of the Fatherland. This is a very important monument in Italy. [L'Altare della Patria è un monumento molto importante durante la Festa della Repubblica.] - “The Altar of the Fatherland is a very important monument during the Republic Day.” [Tomba del Milite Ignoto] - “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”. [Tomba del Milite Ignoto] - “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”. [Durante il giorno della Repubblica si depone una corona di alloro sulla Tomba del Milite Ignoto.] - “During the Republic Day a laurel wreath is placed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.” [Frecce Tricolori] - “Tricolor Arrows”, [Frecce Tricolori] - “Tricolor Arrows”. This is the name of an aerobatic demonstration team and during the day of the republic, you can see a very nice show with these planes. They fly in the sky and they leave this beautiful red, white and green colors in the sky like the Italian flag. [Il mio spettacolo preferito durante il giorno della Repubblica sono le Frecce Tricolori.] - “My favorite show during Republic Day is Frecce Tricolori”. So it’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed today’s video and don’t forget to check the sites. See you next time! Chao!