Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Russian from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at RussianPod101.com. Hi, there! Всем привет (Vsem privet) It’s me Katushya, and today our topic is very important for Russia and the whole world, it’s Victory Day! Let’s check it out! День Победы (Den' Pabedy) “Victory Day“ “We celebrate Victory Day on May 9th.” Мы празднуем день Победы 9 мая. (My praznuem den' Pabedy devyatava maya.) So now every May 9th, we go to the Memorial of Soldiers who died fighting for their country, protecting their fellow land and we give them flowers. We also watch many Soviet Union movies on TV that show how hard it was to win the war and how people were fighting for it for the victory. акт о капитуляции (akt a kapitulyatsyi) “act of military surrender” So on May 8, 1845, Germany signed an act of military surrender. So on the next day, all the people could hear from newspapers, from the radio and this great news was announced publicly. So since then we started celebrating this holiday. “Act of military surrender was signed on May 8th 1945.” Акт о капитуляции был подписан 8 мая 1945 года. (Akt a kapitulyatsyi byl patpisan vas'mova maya tysyacha devyatsot sorak pyatava goda.) Ветеран (veteran) “Veteran” “The meeting of veterans takes place near Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.” Встреча ветеранов проходит возде Большого театра в Москве. (Fstrecha veteranaf prakhodit vozle Bal'shova teatra v Maskve.) Гвоздика (gvazdika) “carnation” Carnations are considered to be the flowers of the victorious soldiers fighting for the victory. “On May 9th veterans are usually given carnations.” 9 мая ветеранам обычно дарят гвоздики. “Devyatava maya veteranam abychna daryat gvazdiki.” высший пилотаж (vyshyy pilatash) “advanced aerobatics” “Advanced aerobatic displays can be seen during the military parade.” Установки высшего пилотажа можно увидеть во время военного парада. (Ustanofki vysheva pilatazha mozhna uvidet' va vremya vaenava parada.) So my congratulations on the victory, and I hope you learned a few, nice, exciting Russian words about the war victory. And it was me, Katushya, with you. Don’t forget to subscribe and I will see you later with our amazing Russian lessons. Пока-пока (paka-paka)!