Tutorial Transcript
Hi, everyone! My name is Katya, if you still remember me, and today, we’re going to be talking about Old New Year. Surprise! What is Old New Year? In Russia, we used to have New Year on January 14th. So since Soviet Union times, we have two New Years! Yey! We’re the luckiest people in the world. So let’s begin. Старый Новый год (Staryy Novyy got) “Old New Year” I know it sounds totally nonsense. How can “old” be New Year? But yes… Приглашай друзей на Старый Новый год! (Priglashay druzey na Staryy Novyy got!) “Invite your friends to Old New Year!” обнародовать (abnarodavat') “to promulgate” After the promulgation of Gregorian calendar instead of Julian calendar in 1918, the Old New Year was added on January 14th in addition to January 1st. That’s it! “The promulgation of Gregorian calendar was held in 1918.” Обнародование григорианского календаря произошло в 1918 году. (Abnarodavaniye grigarianskava kalendarya praizashlo v 1918 gadu.) Васильев день (Vasil'yev den') “St. Basil's Day” January 1st used to be called St. Basil’s Day and the New Year’s Eve used to be St. Basil’s Eve. The guy, he basically promoted the last day of the year to wish people like New Year’s and to sell some nice projects to attract luck for people. I think that’s how New Year began. Also, St. Basil was considered to be a saint of pig breeders. So on New Year, you have to cook some pig dishes to say thank you to St. Basil. Новый год раньше был Васильевым днем. (Novyy god ran'she byl Vasil'yevym dnyom.) “The New Year used to be the St. Basil`s Day.” православные христиане (pravaslavnyye khristiane) “Orthodox Christians” Because of the Orthodox Church, we were celebrating New Year according to Julian Calendar which has different dates from Gregorian. So Old New Year has a special significance for Orthodox Christians. Православные христиане раньше праздновали Новый год 14 января. (Pravaslavnyye khristiane ran'she praznavali Novyy god 14 yanvarya.) “Orthodox Christians used to celebrate New Year on January 14.” старые советские фильмы (staryye savetskiye fil'my) “old Soviet Union films” On New Year’s Eve, you celebrate 12:00 PM, you drink, you talk, you eat and then there comes a time when you have to watch Soviet Union film about New Year. Yeah, it’s one of the traditions. It can be next day, it can be January 1st, January 2nd, January 3rd, but it’s always showing on TV so I don’t think you can miss it. You cannot miss it. You have to watch it. That’s how New Year starts. So one of the most famous is Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром! (Ironiya sud'by, ili S loggim parom!) “The Irony of Fate” or “Enjoy Your Bath”! Check it out! “Don`t forget to watch old Soviet films.” Не забудь посмотреть старые советские фильмы. (Ne zabut' pasmatret' staryye savetskiye fil'my.) “Thank you” Спасибо (Spasibo) for watching us again. Today’s lesson was about Old New Year and I hope you enjoyed it. Well, enjoy watching Soviet Union movies about the New Year; the old one and the new one. Don’t forget to check out the sites and maybe leave some comments about your New Year experience. Пока-пока! (Paka-paka!)