Tutorial Transcript
What's up guys, name is Fedor and today we're are gonna talk about a hard topic. So, man up, get your stuff ready. It is conjugations of Russian verbs. In Russian we conjugate verbs, just like in French or in Spanish I believe, we conjugate verbs. So, for every pronoun there is a separate ending of the verb. Today I'll mention only the present tense, because it's a broad topic and it's a lot cover. So, I'm just gonna mention the present tense endings. But before we go to the conjugations, I want to talk about pronouns, because for you to know conjugations well, you have to know pronouns first. So, Russian pronouns. Я which means I, ты which means you singular or informal, он which is he, она which is she, оно which is it, мы which it we, вы which is you plural or formal you, and lastly они which is they. And once again it is я, ты, он, она, оно, мы, вы, and они. Now we are ready for conjugations, and let's go to the white board, where I'm gonna explain it all in details. So, guys, we are here at the white board, and let's do this thing. So, as I said there are two types of verbs, one goup and another group. So, the first group is the group that we are gonna talk about right now. And it has two endings, which is еть and ать. We are gonna use the verb иметь which has the ending of еть, and it means to have. So this means to have. And let's write down the pronouns that we just talked about. Which is я ты он она оно мы вы они. So, the rule is we change the ending ть, this ending to an appropriate ending for each pronoun. And, so we cross out ть, and we replace it with an ending for each pronoun, with an appropriate ending for each pronoun. And let's do that right now. So, you can see that the ending for each pronoun is different, besides these three of course. So the route is the same, which is име. Route is in green ink. So it's име for each of them. And then we add the ending to the word, to the verb, sorry, to the verb. So, for я it's имею, so ю is the ending for я. Ты имеешь, so the ending ешь is for the pronoun ты. Then он, она, оно which is he she and it have the same ending, have the same verb, so it's имеет. Ет is the ending for this one. Then we have мы имеем, so we have. Ем is the ending for this pronoun. Then we have вы имеете, ете is the ending for вы which is you plural. Then, lastly we have они имеют, they have. So ют is for они, so the ending ют is for the pronoun они. So you can see how we change the ending ть, to an appropriate ending for each pronoun, and the only way you can remember all that is by memorizing all of these endings. So just memorize all of these endings by heart, and everytime you see the ending еть, you just change ть to an appropriate ending for each pronoun. So we just did the ending еть, now let's do the ending ать. So now we have the verb делать, which means to do. We can see the ending ать right here. And we change, we replace ть with an appropriate ending. And they are the same for every word in this group, so they are gonna be the same as for the last word that we just used. So let's do that right now. So, я делаю, I am doing. Ты делаешь, you are doing. So we see ю the ending is the same as for the last word, so for я the ending is ю. Then ешь is for ты. Then он, она, оно, he, she, or it делает. He is doing, she is doing, it is doing. Then we have мы делаем, so ем is right here. We are doing. Вы делаете, you are doing, you plural. So the ending ете is for вы. Они делают, they are doing. So, as you can see the words, I mean the endings are the same as for the last word. They are not changing. So, if you can memorize those endings by heart, that would be so much helpful. So, just to restate the rule once again. We replace ть with an appropriate ending for each pronoun. So, scratch ть out and then replace it with an appropriate ending, and the ending is gonna depend on the pronoun. So if we can erase these routes right here, we would get the endings for each pronoun. And you can just memorize them by heart, and everytime you see that the infinitive is ending on either еть or ать, you can just put these for each pronoun. If you read Russian texts or, I don't know, Russian lyrics, there are gonna be a lot of words that do not follow this rules, but the are exceptions. And the more you practice that, the more of these exceptions you will know. So, my advice to you is use this table like a guide, like a guide for you but do not rely straight on this. Practice! And practice is gonna help you, practice os gonna teach you, but remember this as your guide, not as your final goal. This is not your final goal, this is just your tool for learning more words in Russian. This is not the final thing that you want to learn, you want to learn how to apply them well. And only by practicing, only by reading Russian texts, or Russian lyrics, or whatever, watching movies in Russian you can practice that, you can use that. I'm just gonna give you a couple of different words of this group so you can practice them, and I hope you got them right. So, these are three words that I would give you for exercises. To run is бегать, бегать. Then we have играть which is to play, играть. And читать which is to read, читать. So it's бегать, играть, читать. Just replace ть with an appropriate ending for each pronoun, which is я ты он она оно мы вы они, just replace the ть with an appropriate ending for you to get the conjugation right. And I will leave the answer key in the comments down below, but do not cheat, do not look at the answers before you complete the exercise, because it's gonna be just more helpful to you. I'm concerning about you. For you to learn well, you just have to practice it, just practice and more and more and more and more and you are gonna get it. But just for you to know if you did it right, I will leave the key answers, the answer key in the comments down below, and I hope this video was helpful to you. I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you liked it. And let me know if you have any other questions about this topic, I will answers it either in the comments or in the next video. And I'll see you later guys, пока.