Tutorial Transcript
Subtitles begin at 0:40 I have 4 of my good friends, and they are all from Russia. I grew up with them, I went to school with them was at school, I'm with them together studied in the same class. And we know each other ... so well it turns out ... from 6 years old, already 14 years. But we became friends with them, probably only 8 or 7 years ago, if not less even. Just somehow grew when were not particularly communicating, but now somehow began to communicate very actively. And I still communicate with them straight every day, every day, because, well, it's friends, how am I without them then? That is, we often with them talk over phone, I often exchange any ideas with them For instance, I have a friend , who came to America this summer, we traveled with him across the United States. That is, I mean, constantly constantly communicate with them. There's no such thing, that I I have a day spent without talking to them, there is no such thing. I am very happy of course. So, even if I was in Russia... even if I'm not in Russia, I still keep in touch with them. But in general, we're not talking about this, but about the fact what are friends. Friends- those people who they take care of you as much as about themselves. That is, their ... your growth as a human is important to them equally. They can give you their last shirt, their last meal, food they can give you because they know that you would do the same thing for them. So, it's those people, who can come to rescue sacrificing some of their benefits. And also, I believe that friends true ones are those who change you as a person. That is, my friends, I have just clear examples, how I have two friends, one of those four, one imposed the loved for to guitars on me, here they are guitars, I have them here right now, they are next to me, two of them. And they imposed love to rock music, that is now for me, music and rock it's just a part of me. they are also imposed on me their humor, have imposed their ideas some games, and so on. Actually, the list is endless, of what they imposed. And it is now part of me, I'm just not that Fedya isn't Fedya anymore. And I think that those people, who come to you at around 20-22 years old, when you have already formed as a person, they never will be as good friends, because they did not see you as that little small boy that grew up being very strange and maybe even a foolish person. That is, they have not seen you building as a person, and when you're there with them in those years, when you are still a nobody, then when after 15 years you see how a person changed, then your relationship will be totally different. I that's why I think, it's unlikely that I would get friends, somehow to find a friend who is ... I know just as well, as the guys from Russia.