Tutorial Transcript
Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel! I hope you are all doing great. Today we'll talk about two very interesting verbs, that are "raccomandare" and "consigliare", because they often get mixed up. So today we'll see how we can use them correctly. Before we start, though, I want to tell you that if you're looking for a native speaker with whom to practice speaking in Italian, you can try searching for them on italki that, as some of you already know, is a platform where teachers and students can find each other and start working together. The most useful thing about this platform is that you can study and practice anywhere, anywhere you might be, which means at home, at the office, during lunch break or on holiday, if you want to keep yourselves practicing the language that you are studying, etc. So I suggest you go and have a look! In the description of the video I've left you a link through which you can receive 10 dollars to use for your first lesson. Let's look at the two verbs, "raccomandare" and "consigliare", more specifically I'd like to analyze these two expressions, "mi raccomando" and "ti consiglio", these are two expressions that have two well-defined and distinct meanings. Let's start with "mi raccomando": we use it as an exclamation, "Mi raccomando!", exclamation mark, or "Mi raccomando, ...", comma and then the order or suggestion. So, what does "Mi raccomando" mean? "Mi raccomando" is an expression that urges the other person to do something therefore, it's not really a suggestion, because if I say "Mi raccomando, vai al supermercato oggi", in English I translate it as "Make sure you go to the supermarket today". Okay? So, "Mi raccomando" is translated as "make sure you do something". It can be used, as I've already said, in a phrase: "Mi raccomando, ...," comma and then the order or exhortation, or as an exclamation, for example if I say "Vai al supermercato oggi, mi raccomando!" in this case I put an exclamation mark at the end. So, it's very different than making a suggestion. The confusion starts the moment that we think of the phrase in English and we want to translate it in Italian. For example: if someone asks me "Where do you recommend eating in Rome?" I can't use the verb "raccomandare", I have to use the verb "consigliare". So this question, "Where do you reccomend eating in Rome?" in Italian becomes "Dove consigli di mangiare a Roma?". So, we can't say "mi raccomando", "cosa mi raccomando", "cosa mi raccomandi", we can't use the verb "raccomandare", we have to use the verb "consigliare". So, "Dove mi consigli di mangiare?" (=Where do you suggest I eat?) "Ti consiglio di mangiare in questo ristorante" (=I suggest you eat at this reastaurant) Okay? So, "mi raccomando" is used in a given context that is very specific and in English we translate it as "make sure..." dot dot dot, so it's "make sure you do something", while "consigliare" is for making a suggestion, so "consigliare" is translated as "recommend" (or "advise"). "I reccomend you do this". "Ti consiglio di fare questo". So, I wanted to talk about this topic today, because lately many students have asked me this question and so I noticed a certain confusion in the use of these two expressions or these two verbs and for this reason I thought it would be useful to make a video about this topic, because maybe it can be useful in answering this question for you as well. Okay? So, I hope this video is useful to you and that it will help you understand the difference between the verbs "raccomandare" and "consigliare" in this context, which means: to make suggestions or to give orders. If you have any questions leave them in the comments down here. Thank you very much for watching this video, we'll see each other in the next video. See you soon, ciao!