Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel! A few days ago below one of my videos I found a comment by a student who asked me to talk about adjectives to describe places, things and places. So that's what we're doing today, we'll learn new adjectives to describe people, but also places and things. I would like to start from adjectives you already know. Let's read them: good big small/little hungry poor, rich, fast noisy ugly, beautiful, fun, lazy, angry, cold, hot, bad These are some adjectives I've chosen, that I think you already know. From these adjectives we'll find new ones and I'll tell you how in a second. Before we start, I would like you to write these adjectives down, so that we can write this list together, because I have my notes and I'd like you to have them as well. So, in order to amplify the meaning of an adjective, we usually use the word "very", with the adjective "good" we can say "very good" to amplify it meaning and to give a more precise meaning. But we can use new words, new adjectives that are synonyms for "good" and that avoid us from using "very". Using "very" is not wrong, it's fine, but if we want to elevate our language, we should try and use synonyms that convey full meaning without the aid of "very". Let's start from "good". I can say "very good", but if we want to avoid using "very", I can say: excellent excellent generous, magnanimous. Their use depends on what we talk about, what we describe. "Excellent" can be use to describe work or a job. An excellent work/job. But also for food: excellent food. Tasty, very good food is tasty food. If we refer to a a very good person, we can say "a generous person" or "a magnanimous person". OK? So for "good" we have already found five new adjectives: excellent, tasty, generous, magnanimous. On to the next adjectives: big. Something very big is gigantic, majestic, enormous, voluminous. There are other adjectives, of course, but I'm only mentioning the most used ones. A very big monument is a majestic monument. If you had to describe the Colosseum: the Colosseum is very big, that's fine, but if you say: "the Colosseum is majestic", it sounds better, doesn't it? It's more elegant and you will obviously greatly impress everyone! A package you receive can be very big, but also voluminous. So you could say: "This morning I received a voluminous package". Small, very small, restricted/narrow, tiny. "Narrow" is used for spaces, so a very small space is a narrow space. A very small person in their features is a tiny person. Hungry, when you are very hungry you can say "I'm very hungry", but also "I'm ravenous", meaning I'm starving! Poor, very poor, destitute, bare. If a person is financially poor that person is destitute. If a building is poor in decorations, in embellishments, we say "a bare, unadorned building". Looking at a building you could say "how bare this building is!" meaning it's completely unadorned. Then, rich, very rich, but we could say wealthy, sumptuous, lavish. A rich person is a wealthy person. We can choose to use this adjective. A rich building or a rich ceremony are sumptuous. A dress can be lavish or sumptuous too. A dress rich in decorations, stones, etc. Fast, rapid, quick. For example: a rapid train or a quick service. For example: fast delivery is a type of delivery you can choose when sending something. You go to the post office and ask for express delivery service, so the most rapid delivery you could use. Loud/noisy, very loud/noisy or deafening. Something deafening is something very irritating for the ears. Ugly, something or even someone ugly. If we say "una persona brutta", we refer to the appearance, but if we say "una brutta persona" we refer to their character and behaviour. Anyway, we can say ugly, very ugly or horrendous, horrific. "Beautiful" opens up a world, because we could find many synonyms for "very beautiful". We can say: extraordinary, wonderful, splendid, fascinating, attractive. A painting is extraordinary, an idea can be extraordinary, a landscape can be wonderful but also breathtaking, someone can be fascinating and attractive, a book can be absorbing, a film can be engaging. We can say: a painting is beautiful, a landscape is beautiful, a person is beautiful, a book is beautiful, a film is beautiful. But I'm always using the same word and somehow my language is flat, my description is flat. Instead I say: a breathtaking landscape, a fascinating person, an absorbing book, an engaging film! Then we have "fun", we can also say "amusing". "I have spent an amusing afternoon!". "Lazy" but we can also say "listless". "He's really listless". Angry, but we can also say furious or livid. These two words express 100% the feeling of rage, furious, livid. If you say: "I'm furious today!" it's better to keep at a distance! Cold, very cold, freezing, "it's been a very cold winter", "it's been a freezing winter". Warm, very warm, boiling, scorching. "it's been a very warm summer", "it's been a scorching summer". And then we have "bad", we can say "very bad", cruel and disgusting. If we refer to a person, someone is cruel. "disgusting" if we refer to food or recipe. So we can say "a cruel person" or "a disgusting recipe". There were the adjectives I wanted to tell you about in today's video. I hope you learnt something new today. If you want to write sentences with these adjectives, feel free to do so in the comments. I highly recommend you to write these adjectives down and use them in your daily conversations. Thank you so much for watching this lesson and I'll see you in my next one. Ciao!