Tutorial Transcript
Hi! My name is Rosa. Today we'll be doing the Top 25 Verbs in Spanish So let’s go! ser “be” The first one is ser, which is the verb “to be”. To be is more related to who you are, like, for example, “I am Rosa” yo soy Rosa. Quiero ser una ilustradora. “I want to be an illustrator” but I don’t draw very well, so I don’t know. estar “be” The next one is estar, which is also “to be”. So you can use it, for example, if you are in a place, “I am in a café” Estoy en una cafetería. “I am happy” Estoy contenta. The adjectives you use with estar speak of something, like, more transitory but when you use the verb ser, the last one, it’s about something more permanent. So for example, Yo soy Rosa “I am Rosa” and I will be Rosa tomorrow and day after tomorrow but for example “It is cloudy.” Está nublado. with the verb estar it doesn’t mean that tomorrow it will also be cloudy. Ir “go” The next one is ir “to go”. So ir is irregular verb. So the conjugation is a bit different. “I am going to do something” Voy a hacer algo. Venir “come” The next one is venir, which is “come”. “He comes at 7.” El viene a las siete. and that means that he comes to this place where I am now. Tomar “take” The next one is tomar, which means “take”. “You grab something” tomas algo. Yo tomo mi botella de agua. “I take my bottle of water.” Comer “eat” Well, I love this one. The next one is comer which is “eat”. “I like eating too much” Me gusta comer demasiado. I love also, like, sweet potatoes. Usar “use” The next one is usar, which means “use”. Ropa usada. “Used clothes” Uso mi teléfono. “I use my mobile phone.” Yeah I bought it yesterday. “I use my ears to listen." Uso mis orejas para escuchar. Well I live in a very small city. So... “I don’t use a car.” No uso un coche. but “I use my feet” Uso mis piernas. Querer “want”, “desire”, “love” So the next one is querer, which can be translated as “want”, “desire”, “love”. For example “I love you” is Te quiero. but for example you can also say... “I want an ice cream” Quiero un helado. “I want to be a singer” Quiero ser cantante. Yeah, I like singing too. Hacer “do” The next one is hacer which means “to do”. So you can, for example “do your homework” Hacer los deberes. you could also translate it as “make”. We don’t differentiate between “do” and “make” in Spanish. For example, if you... “make a soup”, you could say Hacer una sopa. I look like a witch. Exercise, you can say Hacer ejercicio. Tener “have” The next one is tener, which is “to have”. I have friends. That sounds so sad. “Tengo amigos”. “I have a dog” Tengo un perro. “I have to eat more vegetables” Tengo que comer más verduras. Haber “have”, “has” So the next one is haber. So for example you can use it as an auxiliary verb as you do in English “I have done this” Yo he (from the verb haber) hecho esto. You can also use it by itself. There is… Hay chocolate en el armario. “There is chocolate in the cupboard.” Gustar “like” The next one is gustar, which means “like”. “I like you.” Me gustas! Me gusta pasear. “I like going for a walk.” Dar “give” The next one is dar, which means “to give”. “I give you my favorite book”. Te doy mi libro preferido. I like a lot of Haruki Murakami’s books. You can also say... Te doy las gracias. For example, if you want to give a present and you don’t really know what to give, you can give them a box of chocolates Tú das una caja de bombones They will be happy receiving them. Trabajar “Work” The next one is trabajar “to work”. “I work as a secretary” Trabajo de secretaría. “I work a lot.” Trabajo mucho. Oir “hear” The next one is oir “to hear”. You are receiving sound but it doesn’t mean that you are like paying a lot of attention to that. “I hear the birds when I wake up” Oigo a los pájaros cuando me levanto. Escuchar “listen” The next one is escuchar, which means “to listen”. So in this case, you are, like, paying attention to that you are hearing. “I like listening to music while I study.” Me gusta escuchar música mientras estudio. Hablar “speak”, “talk” The next one is hablar, which means “to speak” and “talk”. “I speak Spanish” Hablo español. “I talk to my friends” Hablo con mis amigas. Ver “see”, “understand” The next one is ver, which means “to see” and “understand”. “I see you” Te veo. “I like watching that serials every day” Veo esa serie todos los días. Mirar “look”, “watch”, “consider” The next one is mirar, which can be translated as “look”, and “watch”, and “consider”. Mirar something. It means that you are, like, consciously paying attention to that. “I like watching people passing by.” Me gusta mirar a la gente pasar. Poder “can” The next one is poder, “can”. “I can jump very high” Puedo saltar muy alto. “I can eat very spicy food.” Puedo comer comida muy picante. Decir “say”, “tell”, “call” And the next one is decir. So for example... “she said it was okay.” Ella dijo que estaba bien. “Always say thank you.” Di siempre ‘gracias’ Oler “smell” The next one is oler, which means “smell”. “It smells bad” Huele mal. “I love smelling Jasmine” Me gusta oler las flores de jazmín. Sentir “feel”, “experience”, “perceive” The next one is sentir, which is “feel”, “experience”, “perceive”. “I haven’t slept much so I feel a bit tired.” Me siento un poco cansada. Dejar “leave” The next one is dejar, which means “to leave”. Dejo la llave aquí. “I leave the key here.” Necesitar “need”, “require” The next one is necesitar. Necesito ropa nueva. which is not really true “I need new clothes.” “I need to eat just after waking up.” Necesito comer justo después de levantarme. If not I will get like very grumpy. Yep, this is the end. I hope you liked this video and you learned a lot with these top 25 verbs in the Spanish, and please don’t forget to subscribe. Thank you!