Tutorial Transcript
Hi, everyone! My name is Rosa and today, we’ll be doing 10 must-know autumn vocabulary. So let’s go! jersey “sweater” Mi madre me regaló un jersey muy suave y cómodo. “My mother gave me a very soft and comfortable sweater.” lluvioso “rainy” Coge el paraguas que hoy será un día lluvioso. “Take the umbrella, as today will be a rainy day.” fresco “cool” Me encanta cuando empieza a refrescar por las noches y pasa un aire fresquito. “I love it when it starts to cool at night and a chilly air passes by.” otoño “autumn” El otoño es mi estación favorita. ¿Cuál es la tuya? “Autumn is my favorite season. Which is yours?” resfriado “cold” Siempre cojo dos resfriados al año. Uno en otoño y el otro en verano. “I always catch two colds a year, one in autumn and the other in summer.” castaña “chestnut” Ayer cociné castañas. Estaban muy buenas. “Yesterday I cooked chestnuts. They were very good.” camisa de manga larga “long-sleeved shirt” Me parece increíble que algunas tiendas de ropa no tengan camisas de manga larga aún. “I find it amazing that some clothing stores don't have long-sleeved shirts yet.” hojas que caen “falling leaves” Ver caer las hojas de los árboles me relaja mucho. “Seeing leaves falling from trees relaxes me a lot.” Acción de Gracias “Thanksgiving” Nunca he celebrado Acción de Gracias, pero siempre he querido hacerlo para comer pavo. “I've never celebrated Thanksgiving, but I've always wanted to do it in order to eat turkey.” Halloween “Halloween” Este Halloween pasado fui de vampiresa. “Last Halloween I went as a vampire.” And this is the end of today’s video. Today, we did 10 must-know autumn vocabulary. I hope you liked it. Please don’t forget to subscribe and check out SpanishPod101.com and tell us in the comments below what’s your favorite thing about autumn. Hope to see you soon! Bye! Hasta pronto.