Tutorial Transcript
Hi, everyone! This is Rosa. Welcome to Spanish Top Words. Today, we’ll be doing 10 sad words. aburrido “bored” Para mí es aburrido jugar a las cartas. “I get bored when I play cards.” nervioso “nervous” Hablar en público me pone nerviosa. “Speaking in public makes me nervous.” disgustado “upset” Juan estaba muy disgustado porque perdió el partido. “Juan was very upset because he lost the match.” No…! Juan! enfadado “angry” María está siempre enfadada con su novio. “Maria is always angry at her boyfriend.” solitario “lonely” Marcos es una persona solitaria y nunca habla con nadie. “Marcos is a very lonely person and he never talks to anyone.” triste “sad” Me pone muy triste ver a esos dos pelear. “It makes me very sad watching those two argue.” frustrado “frustrated” A Ana le frustra mucho que las cosas no salgan como quiere. “Ana gets very frustrated if things don't turn out the way she wants.” dolido “hurt” Me sentí muy dolida cuando no me llamaste. “I felt very hurt when you didn't call me.” desanimado “discouraged” Tus críticas me desanimaron. “Your criticism discouraged me.” decepcionado “disappointed” Me decepcionó mucho tu comportamiento. “Your behavior really disappointed me.” And this is the end. Today, we did 10 sad words. What’s something that makes you sad? Please tell us. Don’t forget to check out SpanishPod101.com. Please subscribe to this channel. Bye!