Tutorial Transcript
Hi, everyone! I'm Jasmine from SpanishPod101.com. In this video, we'll be talking about top five phrases your teacher won't tell you! We're here at the La Brea Tar Pits. Let's begin! qué rollo "what's up, hello" When you want to greet people informally you can use this expression. Qué rollo, it literally means “what's up.” The word rollo literally means “roll,” but when it's used to greet people it's like the English expression “what's up.” Be careful when you use this word if you use it in a formal situation you might offend another person. literally means “what roll?” If you use it in a formal encounter or with an older person, they might get offended. Using this word you can say, Hola, ¿qué tal, cómo estas, qué rollo? which means “hello, what's up? How are you?” ¿Qué rollo con tu vida? It means “what's up with your life?" ser uña y mugre "to be close friends; to always be together” This word literally means “to be nail and grime;” you can translate it to be “close friends” or “to always be together.” It’s like the English expression “thick as thieves.” When you describe your very good friend with whom you spend a lot of time with, you can use this expression. Using this word, you can say, Mis primos son uña y mugre. Which means, “my cousins are thick as thieves." Or you can say, Cuando era chica, mi mejor amiga y yo éramos como uña y mugre. This means “when I was young my best friend and I were really tight.” te pasas "you have crossed the line, you are too much" Te pasas literally means “you pass the line” or “you are too much, you've crossed the line.” When you want to tell someone that you're surprised, or you can't believe what they've done, you can just say te pasas. It's very informal expression so don't use it unless you're very close to the person. Using this word to say, Te pasas. No debiste haber hecho eso. This means ”you crossed the line. You shouldn't have done that." Or, ¡Te pasas de loco! Which means “you’ve crossed the line, you are crazy!” me choca "it bothers me" Here we have me choca, which means “it bothers me.” For example, you can say, Me choca cuando no hay internet to mean ”it annoys me when there is no internet." estoy muerto, estoy muerta "I'm very tired" It literally means “I’m dead.” When you're so tired and cannot do anything else, you can use this phrase. Use estoy muerto if you're a man, or estoy muerta if you're a woman. It means “I’m very tired.” In a sentence you can say, Que día tan largo, estoy muerta, to mean "What a long day, I'm so tired.” Or, estoy muerta de tanto estudiar, to mean “I’m so tired, I've been studying so much.” Okay! That's all about top five phrases your teacher won't tell you! And if you really want to become fluent and speak Spanish in the very first lesson, go to SpanishPod101.com. I'll see you there next time, hasta la próxima.