Tutorial Transcript
Be very afraid! Hi everybody, welcome to weekly words. I am Alex. So I don’t know what we are going to talk about today. So let’s find out. Geography, hey so, let’s find out what the first word is... colina, hill. Why am I thinking of nursery rhyme? Jack y Jill subieron la colina. Jack and Jill went up the hill. desierto, desert. I come from the desert. Mi ciudad está en medio de un desierto. My city is at the middle of this desert. I question my English. isla, island. Queiro tomar piña colada en una isla. I want to drink piña colada in an island. ♯ If you like piña colada ♯ montaña, mountain. There's dwarves in the mountain. Hay enanos en la montaña. There's dwarves in the mountain. I'm a geek. oceano, ocean. Las sirenas viven en el oceano. Mermaids live in the ocean. This is it. Thank you for stopping by and see you next time. This is random but popped into my head. I am always afraid that there is something in the lake that’s going to get me. No….I am terrified.