Tutorial Transcript
Hi everybody, welcome to weekly words. My name is Alex. I don’t know the theme of the words I am going to teach you. So let’s find out. The theme is sports and the first word is... fútbol, football or soccer. Fútbol es el deporte más popular en México. Football is the most popular sport in Mexico. natación, swimming. La natacíon requiere aguantar la respiración. Swimming requires holding your breath. tenis, tennis. Like hmmm. Para jugar tenis tienes que ser muy rápido. To play Tennis, you have to be very fast. tenis de mesa, ping pong. Ping pong, that’s a funny word. Jugar tenis de mesa mejora tus reflejos. Playing ping pong improves your reflexes. béisbol, baseball. Los jugadores de béisbol mastican mucho chicle. Baseball players chew a lot of gum. Well, this was everything. Tell me which one is your favorite sport or if you do one in particular. So see you next time, bye.