Tutorial Transcript
Hi welcome to weekly words, I am Alex. So I don’t know the words or the theme of the words. So let’s find out what the theme is. Post office, I don’t know where the mailman lives, in the post office? So the first word is: buzón mailbox Like I am always afraid that something is going to jump out of the mailbox. I am afraid of heights too Me da miedo de que algo me vaya a saltar del buzón. I am afraid that something is going to jump out of the mailbox. dirección address This word has two meanings dirección could mean address or direction Es importante saberte tu dirección. it’s important to know your address. Sobre envelope They taste funny Los sobres saben raro. envelopes taste funny. carta letter Yo nunca he recibido una carta. I had never received a letter. paquete parcel Parcel, parcel, parcel….Recibí un paquete lleno de dulces. I received a parcel full of candy, true story. Okay well this was it. I hope you can use these words in the future. So I will see you next time, bye.