Tutorial Transcript
Welcome to weekly words. My name is Alex and I don’t know the theme of this week and I don’t know the words either. So let’s get started. Computer words. teclado, keyboard. Yeah so teclado can also be one of those electronic pianos. No soy buena tocando el teclado. I am not good playing the keyboard. ordenador portatil, laptop computer. Usually we just call it a laptop. Me robaron mi laptop. they stole my laptop. ratón, mouse Ratón is also a name of the animal mouse. Me gusta jugar con el ratón. I like to play with the mouse. auriculares, headphones. A more common word for headphones is audífonos. Compré unos audífonos muy grandes. I bought some really big headphones. pantalla, monitor. Pantalla can also mean to the screen of a television or just anything that shows images is called. Rompí mi pantalla. I broke my monitor, that’s not a lie. These were computer words and I am Alex and see you next time.