Tutorial Transcript
Hello everyone! in today's video we're going to practice some of the locations in Russian. On, Behind, Under, On the right, On the left and so on. I will make a statement and then I'll ask you an easy question. Please answer out loud. Ok? Let's get started. On the first picture you see a little girl and a chair. Girl and chair. So, on the first picture she is staying behind the chair. Now time for questions. Is the girl standing behind the chair? Yes, the girl is standing behind the chair. behind what is she standing? Behind the chair. She is standing behind the chair. Who is standing behind the chair? The girl. This girl is standing behind the chair. Is she standing or lying behind the chair? Standing. She is standing behind the chair. Ok, we're moving to the next picture Where this very same girl is standing on the left of the chair. The girl is standing on the left of the chair. Who is standing on the left of the chair? The girl. The girl is standing on the left of the chair. Is she standing on the left of the table? No. She is standing on the left of the chair. Is she lying on the left of the chair? No. She is standing on the left of the chair. Is she standing on the right? No, she is standing on the left. Where is she standing? On the left of the chair. The girl is standnning on the left of the chair. Ok, now we're moving to the next picture. And here you can see a puppy, a dog. Under the table and on the right of the table. So... The dog under the table Where is the dog? The dog is under the table. It is sitting under the table. Is it sitting under the table or on the table? Under the table. It is sitting under the table. A cat or the dog is sitting under the table? The dog. The dog is sitting under the table. Is it sitting under the bed? No, it is sitting under the table. Who is sitting under the table? The dog. This dog is sitting under the table. Ok, the next picture. The dog on the right of the table. The dog on the right of the table. Is the dog on the right of the table? Yes, the dog is on the right of the table. Is the dog on the right of the bed? No, the dog is on the right of the table. Is this dog on the table? No, it is on the right of the table. On the right. Where is the dog? The dog is on the right of the table. Ok, and the last black&white picture. Here you can see a balloon and that very same table. "Sharik". We call it "Vozdushny sharik" or just "sharik". So on the first one it is on the table and on the second one it is above it. Balloon on the table. Is balloon on a TV? No, the balloon is not on the TV, it is on the table. Is the balloon or the dog on the table? The balloon. The balloon is on the table. The balloon is lying on the table. What is lying on the table? The balloon. The balloon is lying on the table. Where is the balloon lying? On the table. The balloon is lying on the table. And the last picture with balloon above the table. Balloon above the table. Is balloon above the table? Yes, the balloon is above the table. Is a cat above the table? No, not a cat. The balloon is above the table. Is balloon above the wardrobe? No. The ballon is not above the wardrobe. it's above the table. What is above the table? Balloon. The balloon is above the table. Where is the balloon? The balloon is above the table. And that was it for today. Thank you very much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more Russian lessons. Bye-bye!