Tutorial Transcript
Hello everyone! Today we're going to practice some of the verbs of motion in Russian. I'm going to make some statements and then I'll ask you easy questions. You have to answer them out loud. This will help you to remember verbs of motion deeply. After you have enough practice. So, let's get started. A dog is running on the road. Is the dog running on the road? Yes, the dog is running on the road. Is a cat or a dog running on the road? Dog. The dog is running on the road. Is the dog running on the floor? No, it's not running on the floor, it's running on the road. And these dogs are running on water. Are they running or walking? They are running. They are running fast. The dogs are running on water. Are they running on the road? No, they are running on water. Two dogs are running on water. Who is running? The dogs are running. The dogs are running on water fast. And here a dog has come running to a man. It was running and running, and has come running to him. Has it come running to a man? Yes, it has come running to a man. Has it come running to a car? No, it has come running not to a car, it has come running to a man. The dog has come running to the man. Has it arrived on foot? No, it has come running. Running. Who has come running to the man? The dog. The dog has come running to the man. And these dogs have made it to finish line. They were running and they've made it to finish. Have they made it? Yes, they finally have made it. Have they made it to finish or to house? To finish. They have made it to finish. Have the horses made it or the dogs? The dogs. The dogs have made it to finish. And here Barack Obama is running away from a dog. Is he running away from a cat? No, he's running away from the dog. The dog is running after him and he is running away. Is he walking away or running away? He is running away. He is running away from the dog fast Who is he running away from? From the dog. He is running away from the dog. Who is running away? Barack Obama is running away from his dog. And that was it for today. Thank you very much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more Russian lessons. Bye-bye!