Tutorial Transcript
Hello everyone! Today we are going to practice some of the prepositions of place in Russian. Now you can see a picture of the room on your screen. And first let's name all the objects inside it. TV-set Coach Table Lamp Mirror Flowers And now I'm going to describe this room in Russian So, at first you listen and then I'll ask you easy questions. and I want you to answer those questions out loud. Ok, here we go! This is a room. In the room there is a TV. TV is hanging on the wall. Under TV there are flowers. Opposite TV there is a sofa. In front of the sofa there is a table. Above the table hangs a mirror. On the table there are flowers. Above the table – lamp. Ok, now I'm going to ask you some questions again. First the questions after my statements, and after that you'll have to answer yourself. So, let's start with the television. TV is hanging on the wall. Is the PICTURE hanging on the wall? No, the TV is hanging on the wall. Where is the TV hanging? On the wall. TV is hanging on the wall. And under the TV there are flowers. Are the flowers under the wardrobe? No, the flowers are under the TV. What is under the TV? The flowers. Under the TV there are flowers. Opposite TV there is a sofa. Is the sofa behind the TV? No, the sofa is opposite the TV. Where is the sofa? It is staying opposite the TV. In front of the sofa there is a table. Is the table under the sofa? No, of course it's not under the sofa. It is staying in front of the sofa. What is staying in front of the sofa? The table. In front of the sofa there is the table. On the table there are flowers. Is there a PLATE on the table? No, on the table there are flowers. Are they lying on the table? No, the flowers are STAYING on the table. (in vase) And above the table a lamp is hanging. Where is the lamp hanging? Above the table. The lamp is hanging above the table. What is hanging above the table? Lamp. The lamp is hanging above the table. Great! Now I'm going to ask you some questions without statements. And don't worry, you don't have to answer with full sentence. It's enough to name the object. For example, I will ask "What is in front of the sofa?" And you'll answer: "The table". You don't have to say "In front of the sofa there is a table". No. If you can do it, it's perfect. Of course use the full answer then. But if you can't, nevermind. It's ok One word is pretty enough. Ok, let's get started. Where is the TV hanging? The TV is hanging on the wall. What is staying opposite the TV? Opposite the TV the sofa is staying. And where is a table? The table is staying in front of the sofa. What is hanging above the table? Above the table the lamp is hanging. Is the TV hanging on the left or on the right of the lamp? On the left. The TV is hanging on the left of the lamp. Where are the flowers? On the table. Flowers are on the table. One of the tables is in front of the sofa. and another table is under the TV. The flowers are on the tables. And where is the painting hanging? or is it a mirror? I'm not sure. Painting or mirror. So where is the picture (or mirror) hanging? Above the sofa. The painting is hanging above the sofa. On the wall. The painting is hanging on the wall above the sofa. Now I want you to try to describe this whole room by yourself. Describe each object and try to tell where exactly it is. And that was it for today. Thank you very much for watching. Subscribe to my channel for more Russian lessons and tips on learning the Russian language. Bye-bye!